* [babel][bug] Export latex table using noweb suddenly broken?
@ 2011-03-02 4:24 Jeff Horn
2011-03-02 14:38 ` Eric Schulte
0 siblings, 1 reply; 6+ messages in thread
From: Jeff Horn @ 2011-03-02 4:24 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Org-mode ml
Hey orgsters,
A sample document like the one below was compiling fine on an older
git commit, say about 10 days ago. Now, the tabular environment is
wrapped in latex verbatim. It's as if it is no longer respecting the
:noweb header.
----- begin org doc ------
#+TITLE: Table Export Test
* Endogenizing Policy
Test table export.
#+source: tab-export
#+begin_src latex :exports results :results latex :noweb yes
** Tables :noexport:
#+tblname: tab-test
| Expectation | Pre-policy
| Post-policy
| Cycle Summary |
| Larger gov't sector | $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\uparrow K$,
$\uparrow Y$ | $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
$\downarrow Y$ | SR $\uparrow Y$, LR $\downarrow Y$ |
| Smaller gov't sector | $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
$\downarrow Y$ | $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\uparrow K$, $\uparrow
Y$ | SR $\downarrow Y$, LR $\uparrow Y$ |
------ end org doc ------
Can anyone else confirm?
Jeffrey Horn
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 6+ messages in thread
* Re: [babel][bug] Export latex table using noweb suddenly broken?
2011-03-02 4:24 [babel][bug] Export latex table using noweb suddenly broken? Jeff Horn
@ 2011-03-02 14:38 ` Eric Schulte
2011-03-02 18:29 ` Jeff Horn
0 siblings, 1 reply; 6+ messages in thread
From: Eric Schulte @ 2011-03-02 14:38 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Jeff Horn; +Cc: Org-mode ml
Hi Jeff,
When I export your org-mode file below (or when I simply evaluate the
code block with C-c C-c) it results in the following content under
"Endogenizing Policy" header, which appears correct to me.
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
\section{Endogenizing Policy}
Test table export.
Expectation & Pre-policy & Post-policy & Cycle Summary \\
Larger gov't sector & $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\uparrow K$, $\uparrow Y$ & $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\downarrow K$, $\downarrow Y$ & SR $\uparrow Y$, LR $\downarrow Y$ \\
Smaller gov't sector & $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\downarrow K$, $\downarrow Y$ & $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\uparrow K$, $\uparrow Y$ & SR $\downarrow Y$, LR $\uparrow Y$ \\
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
Best -- Eric
Jeff Horn <jrhorn424@gmail.com> writes:
> Hey orgsters,
> A sample document like the one below was compiling fine on an older
> git commit, say about 10 days ago. Now, the tabular environment is
> wrapped in latex verbatim. It's as if it is no longer respecting the
> :noweb header.
> ----- begin org doc ------
> #+TITLE: Table Export Test
> * Endogenizing Policy
> Test table export.
> #+source: tab-export
> #+begin_src latex :exports results :results latex :noweb yes
> \begin{table}[htb!]
> \centering
> <<booktabs(table=tab-test,align="llll",env="tabular")>>
> \end{table}
> #+end_src
> ** Tables :noexport:
> #+tblname: tab-test
> | Expectation | Pre-policy
> | Post-policy
> | Cycle Summary |
> |----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------|
> | Larger gov't sector | $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\uparrow K$,
> $\uparrow Y$ | $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
> $\downarrow Y$ | SR $\uparrow Y$, LR $\downarrow Y$ |
> | Smaller gov't sector | $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
> $\downarrow Y$ | $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\uparrow K$, $\uparrow
> Y$ | SR $\downarrow Y$, LR $\uparrow Y$ |
> ------ end org doc ------
> Can anyone else confirm?
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 6+ messages in thread
* Re: [babel][bug] Export latex table using noweb suddenly broken?
2011-03-02 14:38 ` Eric Schulte
@ 2011-03-02 18:29 ` Jeff Horn
2011-03-02 18:41 ` Eric Schulte
0 siblings, 1 reply; 6+ messages in thread
From: Jeff Horn @ 2011-03-02 18:29 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Eric Schulte; +Cc: Org-mode ml
That's weird. This is what I get. Sorry I forgot to post it with the message:
----- begin tex source ------
\section{Endogenizing Policy}
TEst table export.
Expectation & Pre-policy & Post-policy & Cycle Summary \\
Larger gov't sector & $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\uparrow K$,
$\uparrow Y$ & $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
$\downarrow Y$ & SR $\uparrow Y$, LR $\downarrow Y$ \\
Smaller gov't sector & $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
$\downarrow Y$ & $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\uparrow K$, $\uparrow
Y$ & SR $\downarrow Y$, LR $\uparrow Y$ \\
----- end tex source ------
On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Eric Schulte <schulte.eric@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> When I export your org-mode file below (or when I simply evaluate the
> code block with C-c C-c) it results in the following content under
> "Endogenizing Policy" header, which appears correct to me.
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> \section{Endogenizing Policy}
> \label{sec-1}
> Test table export.
> \begin{table}[htb!]
> \centering
> \begin{tabular}{llll}
> \toprule
> Expectation & Pre-policy & Post-policy & Cycle Summary \\
> \midrule
> Larger gov't sector & $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\uparrow K$, $\uparrow Y$ & $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\downarrow K$, $\downarrow Y$ & SR $\uparrow Y$, LR $\downarrow Y$ \\
> Smaller gov't sector & $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\downarrow K$, $\downarrow Y$ & $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\uparrow K$, $\uparrow Y$ & SR $\downarrow Y$, LR $\uparrow Y$ \\
> \bottomrule
> \end{tabular}
> \end{table}
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> Best -- Eric
> Jeff Horn <jrhorn424@gmail.com> writes:
>> Hey orgsters,
>> A sample document like the one below was compiling fine on an older
>> git commit, say about 10 days ago. Now, the tabular environment is
>> wrapped in latex verbatim. It's as if it is no longer respecting the
>> :noweb header.
>> ----- begin org doc ------
>> #+TITLE: Table Export Test
>> * Endogenizing Policy
>> Test table export.
>> #+source: tab-export
>> #+begin_src latex :exports results :results latex :noweb yes
>> \begin{table}[htb!]
>> \centering
>> <<booktabs(table=tab-test,align="llll",env="tabular")>>
>> \end{table}
>> #+end_src
>> ** Tables :noexport:
>> #+tblname: tab-test
>> | Expectation | Pre-policy
>> | Post-policy
>> | Cycle Summary |
>> |----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------|
>> | Larger gov't sector | $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\uparrow K$,
>> $\uparrow Y$ | $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
>> $\downarrow Y$ | SR $\uparrow Y$, LR $\downarrow Y$ |
>> | Smaller gov't sector | $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
>> $\downarrow Y$ | $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\uparrow K$, $\uparrow
>> Y$ | SR $\downarrow Y$, LR $\uparrow Y$ |
>> ------ end org doc ------
>> Can anyone else confirm?
Jeffrey Horn
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 6+ messages in thread
* Re: [babel][bug] Export latex table using noweb suddenly broken?
2011-03-02 18:29 ` Jeff Horn
@ 2011-03-02 18:41 ` Eric Schulte
2011-03-03 7:40 ` Jeff Horn
0 siblings, 1 reply; 6+ messages in thread
From: Eric Schulte @ 2011-03-02 18:41 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Jeff Horn; +Cc: Org-mode ml
It looks like the noweb option is working, but the results are being
inserted into the org-mode buffer verbatim, rather than in a latex
block. Maybe we have different default header arguments.
If you add ":results latex" to the code block does that fix the problem?
Similarly if you evaluate the code block interactively in the org-mode
buffer, are the results inserted in a latex block or in an example
Best -- Eric
Jeff Horn <jrhorn424@gmail.com> writes:
> That's weird. This is what I get. Sorry I forgot to post it with the message:
> ----- begin tex source ------
> \section{Endogenizing Policy}
> \label{sec-1}
> TEst table export.
> \begin{verbatim}
> \begin{table}[htb!]
> \centering
> \begin{tabular}{llll}
> \toprule
> Expectation & Pre-policy & Post-policy & Cycle Summary \\
> \midrule
> Larger gov't sector & $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\uparrow K$,
> $\uparrow Y$ & $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
> $\downarrow Y$ & SR $\uparrow Y$, LR $\downarrow Y$ \\
> Smaller gov't sector & $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
> $\downarrow Y$ & $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\uparrow K$, $\uparrow
> Y$ & SR $\downarrow Y$, LR $\uparrow Y$ \\
> \bottomrule
> \end{tabular}
> \end{table}
> \end{verbatim}
> ----- end tex source ------
> On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Eric Schulte <schulte.eric@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> When I export your org-mode file below (or when I simply evaluate the
>> code block with C-c C-c) it results in the following content under
>> "Endogenizing Policy" header, which appears correct to me.
>> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>> \section{Endogenizing Policy}
>> \label{sec-1}
>> Test table export.
>> \begin{table}[htb!]
>> \centering
>> \begin{tabular}{llll}
>> \toprule
>> Expectation & Pre-policy & Post-policy & Cycle Summary \\
>> \midrule
>> Larger gov't sector & $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\uparrow K$,
>> $\uparrow Y$ & $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
>> $\downarrow Y$ & SR $\uparrow Y$, LR $\downarrow Y$ \\
>> Smaller gov't sector & $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
>> $\downarrow Y$ & $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\uparrow K$, $\uparrow
>> Y$ & SR $\downarrow Y$, LR $\uparrow Y$ \\
>> \bottomrule
>> \end{tabular}
>> \end{table}
>> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>> Best -- Eric
>> Jeff Horn <jrhorn424@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Hey orgsters,
>>> A sample document like the one below was compiling fine on an older
>>> git commit, say about 10 days ago. Now, the tabular environment is
>>> wrapped in latex verbatim. It's as if it is no longer respecting the
>>> :noweb header.
>>> ----- begin org doc ------
>>> #+TITLE: Table Export Test
>>> * Endogenizing Policy
>>> Test table export.
>>> #+source: tab-export
>>> #+begin_src latex :exports results :results latex :noweb yes
>>> \begin{table}[htb!]
>>> \centering
>>> <<booktabs(table=tab-test,align="llll",env="tabular")>>
>>> \end{table}
>>> #+end_src
>>> ** Tables :noexport:
>>> #+tblname: tab-test
>>> | Expectation | Pre-policy
>>> | Post-policy
>>> | Cycle Summary |
>>> |----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------|
>>> | Larger gov't sector | $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\uparrow K$,
>>> $\uparrow Y$ | $\downarrow C$, $\downarrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
>>> $\downarrow Y$ | SR $\uparrow Y$, LR $\downarrow Y$ |
>>> | Smaller gov't sector | $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\downarrow K$,
>>> $\downarrow Y$ | $\uparrow C$, $\uparrow U$, $\uparrow K$, $\uparrow
>>> Y$ | SR $\downarrow Y$, LR $\uparrow Y$ |
>>> ------ end org doc ------
>>> Can anyone else confirm?
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
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* Re: [babel][bug] Export latex table using noweb suddenly broken?
2011-03-02 18:41 ` Eric Schulte
@ 2011-03-03 7:40 ` Jeff Horn
2011-03-03 12:59 ` Eric Schulte
0 siblings, 1 reply; 6+ messages in thread
From: Jeff Horn @ 2011-03-03 7:40 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Eric Schulte; +Cc: Org-mode ml
On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Eric Schulte <schulte.eric@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you add ":results latex" to the code block does that fix the problem?
> Similarly if you evaluate the code block interactively in the org-mode
> buffer, are the results inserted in a latex block or in an example
> block?
Thanks for your help! I already had ":results latex" in the header,
and I haven't changed any "default header" setting. The code evaluated
in buffer into a latex block, but without the verbatim environment. It
works now for some reason.
Earlier today, I manually re-loaded org-table.el because I thought a
function wasn't loading (turns out it just wasn't interactive). Should
I manually require org-table in an init file? (I'm using the
starter-kit, BTW)
Jeffrey Horn
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 6+ messages in thread
* Re: [babel][bug] Export latex table using noweb suddenly broken?
2011-03-03 7:40 ` Jeff Horn
@ 2011-03-03 12:59 ` Eric Schulte
0 siblings, 0 replies; 6+ messages in thread
From: Eric Schulte @ 2011-03-03 12:59 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Jeff Horn; +Cc: Org-mode ml
Jeff Horn <jrhorn424@gmail.com> writes:
> On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Eric Schulte <schulte.eric@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you add ":results latex" to the code block does that fix the problem?
>> Similarly if you evaluate the code block interactively in the org-mode
>> buffer, are the results inserted in a latex block or in an example
>> block?
> Thanks for your help! I already had ":results latex" in the header,
> and I haven't changed any "default header" setting. The code evaluated
> in buffer into a latex block, but without the verbatim environment. It
> works now for some reason.
> Earlier today, I manually re-loaded org-table.el because I thought a
> function wasn't loading (turns out it just wasn't interactive). Should
> I manually require org-table in an init file? (I'm using the
> starter-kit, BTW)
I don't manually require org-table in my init file, but if it works I
guess you may as well. Given that I update my Org-mode install very
frequently, I've found it easier to *not* every byte-compile org-mode,
which makes it easier to ensure I'm not loading stale source files.
Best -- Eric
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
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2011-03-02 4:24 [babel][bug] Export latex table using noweb suddenly broken? Jeff Horn
2011-03-02 14:38 ` Eric Schulte
2011-03-02 18:29 ` Jeff Horn
2011-03-02 18:41 ` Eric Schulte
2011-03-03 7:40 ` Jeff Horn
2011-03-03 12:59 ` Eric Schulte
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