* Agenda fails to display
@ 2015-04-20 10:02 Sharon Kimble
2015-04-20 11:43 ` Nicolas Goaziou
0 siblings, 1 reply; 3+ messages in thread
From: Sharon Kimble @ 2015-04-20 10:02 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: org-mode
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 11790 bytes --]
A problem has developed overnight where I am not able to display my
usual 3-week agenda. I can display a list of TODOs but no display of
agenda. When I try "C-c a a" It displays "21 days-agenda (W17-W19):"
and nothing else. But, it does throw up this debug info, rather long
unfortunately, but I'll put it at the end.
This is with org-version "Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @
/home/boudiccas/git/org-mode/lisp/)" which I cloned on the 18th
My last action on my organiser file was to change the date of a
scheduled task.
How can I get it working properly again please?
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable org-ts-regexp-inactive)
(format "^[ ]*-[ ]+\\(?:State \"%s\".*%s%s\\)" (regexp-opt org-done-keywords) org-ts-regexp-inactive (let ((value (cdr (assq (quote done) org-log-note-headings)))) (if (not value) "" (concat "\\|" (org-replace-escapes (regexp-quote value) (cons (cons "%d" org-ts-regexp-inactive) (cons (cons "%D" org-ts-regexp) (cons ... ...))))))))
(let* ((maxdays (+ org-habit-preceding-days org-habit-following-days)) (reversed org-log-states-order-reversed) (search (if reversed (quote re-search-forward) (quote re-search-backward))) (limit (if reversed end (point))) (count 0) (re (format "^[ ]*-[ ]+\\(?:State \"%s\".*%s%s\\)" (regexp-opt org-done-keywords) org-ts-regexp-inactive (let ((value (cdr ...))) (if (not value) "" (concat "\\|" (org-replace-escapes ... ...))))))) (if reversed nil (goto-char end)) (while (and (< count maxdays) (funcall search re limit t)) (setq closed-dates (cons (time-to-days (org-time-string-to-time (or (org-match-string-no-properties 1) (org-match-string-no-properties 2)))) closed-dates)) (setq count (1+ count))))
(let* ((scheduled (org-get-scheduled-time (point))) (scheduled-repeat (org-get-repeat org-scheduled-string)) (end (org-entry-end-position)) (habit-entry (org-no-properties (nth 4 (org-heading-components)))) closed-dates deadline dr-days sr-days sr-type) (if scheduled (setq scheduled (time-to-days scheduled)) (error "Habit %s has no scheduled date" habit-entry)) (if scheduled-repeat nil (error "Habit '%s' has no scheduled repeat period or has an incorrect one" habit-entry)) (setq sr-days (org-habit-duration-to-days scheduled-repeat) sr-type (progn (string-match "[\\.+]?\\+" scheduled-repeat) (org-match-string-no-properties 0 scheduled-repeat))) (if (> sr-days 0) nil (error "Habit %s scheduled repeat period is less than 1d" habit-entry)) (if (string-match "/\\([0-9]+[dwmy]\\)" scheduled-repeat) (progn (setq dr-days (org-habit-duration-to-days (match-string-no-properties 1 scheduled-repeat))) (if (<= dr-days sr-days) (error "Habit %s deadline repeat period is less than or equal to scheduled (%s)" habit-entry scheduled-repeat)) (setq deadline (+ scheduled (- dr-days sr-days))))) (org-back-to-heading t) (let* ((maxdays (+ org-habit-preceding-days org-habit-following-days)) (reversed org-log-states-order-reversed) (search (if reversed (quote re-search-forward) (quote re-search-backward))) (limit (if reversed end (point))) (count 0) (re (format "^[ ]*-[ ]+\\(?:State \"%s\".*%s%s\\)" (regexp-opt org-done-keywords) org-ts-regexp-inactive (let ((value ...)) (if (not value) "" (concat "\\|" ...)))))) (if reversed nil (goto-char end)) (while (and (< count maxdays) (funcall search re limit t)) (setq closed-dates (cons (time-to-days (org-time-string-to-time (or ... ...))) closed-dates)) (setq count (1+ count)))) (list scheduled sr-days deadline dr-days closed-dates sr-type))
(save-excursion (if pom (goto-char pom)) (progn (or (org-is-habit-p (point)) (signal (quote cl-assertion-failed) (list (quote (org-is-habit-p (point)))))) nil) (let* ((scheduled (org-get-scheduled-time (point))) (scheduled-repeat (org-get-repeat org-scheduled-string)) (end (org-entry-end-position)) (habit-entry (org-no-properties (nth 4 (org-heading-components)))) closed-dates deadline dr-days sr-days sr-type) (if scheduled (setq scheduled (time-to-days scheduled)) (error "Habit %s has no scheduled date" habit-entry)) (if scheduled-repeat nil (error "Habit '%s' has no scheduled repeat period or has an incorrect one" habit-entry)) (setq sr-days (org-habit-duration-to-days scheduled-repeat) sr-type (progn (string-match "[\\.+]?\\+" scheduled-repeat) (org-match-string-no-properties 0 scheduled-repeat))) (if (> sr-days 0) nil (error "Habit %s scheduled repeat period is less than 1d" habit-entry)) (if (string-match "/\\([0-9]+[dwmy]\\)" scheduled-repeat) (progn (setq dr-days (org-habit-duration-to-days (match-string-no-properties 1 scheduled-repeat))) (if (<= dr-days sr-days) (error "Habit %s deadline repeat period is less than or equal to scheduled (%s)" habit-entry scheduled-repeat)) (setq deadline (+ scheduled (- dr-days sr-days))))) (org-back-to-heading t) (let* ((maxdays (+ org-habit-preceding-days org-habit-following-days)) (reversed org-log-states-order-reversed) (search (if reversed (quote re-search-forward) (quote re-search-backward))) (limit (if reversed end (point))) (count 0) (re (format "^[ ]*-[ ]+\\(?:State \"%s\".*%s%s\\)" (regexp-opt org-done-keywords) org-ts-regexp-inactive (let (...) (if ... "" ...))))) (if reversed nil (goto-char end)) (while (and (< count maxdays) (funcall search re limit t)) (setq closed-dates (cons (time-to-days (org-time-string-to-time ...)) closed-dates)) (setq count (1+ count)))) (list scheduled sr-days deadline dr-days closed-dates sr-type)))
byte-code("\306 \210\307\310!\311\310\224S\312 \313\216\314 *\r\315=\206\x1f\f\235@\316\bA\317@p\n&\211BAZC\320`\321\"DE\205C\x0eC\322WF\311GH\205h\323 \324 {I\312 \325\216\326JI\"\205g\307\310I\"+\211K\204r\311\202\233\x0eH\250\203~\x0eH[\202\233\x0eH\327=\203\232\x0eB\316KA\317@p\n&ZL^\202\233\322)\211M\203\257\x0eML\330\b\315\211#)\202\263\330\b\315\"N\312 \331\216\326\332\b\"*\203\326\316\b!\316\bB\317\311p\n&W\203\326\322NN\322V\203\346\x0eCN[U\2047\333N!\203\364\x0eC\322U\2047\x0eCN\\\322W\203\x01\334C!OW\203\x01E\203\x01P\2037\x0eE\203<\335\336!\203<\x0e\203<\315\211G\203<\337\340!\2051\340 \211Q\203<\212\fR\235\211S\203^\x0eT\204Y\x0eC\322U\203Y\337\340!\203^\340 \203^\311\202\200\x0eG\203h\x0eQ\202p\337\340!\205p\340 Q\341 U\320`\342\"VW\343=\203\233\344`!\203\233\322B\345\344`!!ZX\203\233\346\347\311\"\210\350\351\311\315#\204\253\346\347\311\"\210\202\200\322\225b\210\322\224XQ\203\325\x0eY\203\315\x0eE\204\371\335\352!\203\371\x0e*\203\371\346\347\311\"\210\202\371\x0eW\315=\204\350\x0eW\353=\203\371\x0eF\203\371\354XZ\"\211[\203\371\346\347\311\"\210\\\355=\206\x1f\x0e\\<\203\x02\356\\>\206\x1f\x0e\\\315=\205\x1f\x0e]\315=\206\x1f\356]>^\357\311^?\"_\360\361\362 !\363\"``\364\311w\210`{a\326\365\b\"\203N\b\310\224\311O\366Pb\202Q\367b\370C\322U\203_\x0ec@\202i\371cA@\310CZ\"a`U_C\322U\205z\x0eb\311Q&\b \203;\x0eQ\204\222\x0eF\203\222\372\202\234\x0eE\203\233\373\202\234\374dQ\205\245\375 Q\376 e\377d\201d\x0eS\203\274\201h\202\276\x0ed\201i\201j\n!\201k\201j\x0eX!\201l\x0eF\203\335\201m\202\340\201n\201f\x0eF\203\355\x0eB\202\357\x0ef\201o\x0eB\201D\x0eD\201`\x0e`\201p\x0eQ\203\x03\201q\x0eQ!\202!\201r\201s\201t\x0eCZ\201u !#\201v\x0eU\201w\x0eV\201x\x0eQ\304\f&\210 gBg)\311\207" [s txt pos save-match-data-internal todo-state org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all org-agenda-skip match-string 1 nil match-data ((byte-code "\301\b\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) org-get-todo-state t org-time-string-to-absolute past get-text-property org-appt-warntime 0 point-at-bol point-at-eol ((byte-code "\301\b\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) string-match post-deadline org-get-wdays ((byte-code "\301\b\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) "--[0-9]+[hdwmy]" zerop abs boundp org-habit-show-all-today functionp org-is-habit-p org-get-category org-category-position repeated-after-deadline org-get-deadline-time time-to-days throw :skip re-search-backward "^\\*+[ ]+" org-habit-show-habits-only-for-today not-today assoc always agenda org-get-tags-at make-string org-reduced-level ...] 32)
org-agenda-get-day-entries("/home/boudiccas/.emacs.d/org/organiser.org" (4 20 2015) :deadline :scheduled :timestamp :sexp)
apply(org-agenda-get-day-entries "/home/boudiccas/.emacs.d/org/organiser.org" (4 20 2015) (:deadline :scheduled :timestamp :sexp))
byte-code("\306\b!\210 \307 \235\203\0\310\311 \"\312 \235\203\0\310\313 \"\n\203>\311 \235\203/\310\311 \"\307 B\313 \235\203>\310\313 \"\312 B\v\204J\310\307\310\311 \"\"\f\314>\203Z\315\b\316#\x12\202t\f\203l\317\315\b\320\321 \"$\x12\202t\317\315\b $\x12)\320\x13\x12\"\x13\306\207" [file org-agenda-entry-types with-hour org-agenda-include-deadlines org-agenda-show-log-scoped date org-check-agenda-file :deadline* delq :deadline :scheduled* :scheduled (only clockcheck) org-agenda-get-day-entries :closed apply append (:closed) rtn rtnall] 7)
byte-code("\b\206) \203(\n\203\0\v;\203\0\306\307\n\v#\202%\n\203$\306\310\n\"\202%\311\206)\f\312\313!\210\2064\x0e@\211;\203B\314\315\316\317#!\320\321!\210\322\321!\210\323A\206W\x0eB\206W\x0eC!A\324 D\206d\x0eDE\325AE\"\211F\326=\204{\x0eF\327=\205}\x0eGG\330\316\331\"\211HIG\203\224\x0eF\326W\203\231\x0eE\202\277\332\333E!!JGKJKZLEL\334W\203\271\326\202\272\334L\\Z+\211MCN\334OP?QRS\316\211TU\316\211VW\316\211XY\316\211LZ\316\211[\\\316\211]^\316_\335\336`D\336ADa\257\x16bFS\334cdcdW\203*\x0eN@TNBNcT\211c\202\x01*N\237\211N@]Ne\337e!@)\206B\334T^\340N@fg\341g!fL\210*\342`fg\341g!fL\210*\343\323A!fg\341g!fL\210*h\204\362\x0eN@iNe\337e!@)j\344i!k\344j!l`Tm\203\262\345\346m!\316\347\350$\351\261\210\202\340\352A!\353jiZ\354W\203\333\x0eklU\203\321\306\355k\"\202\334\306\356kl#\202\334\357\360\261\210,\361T`S\347\350\362\317F#\210\363T!\210N\211AN\242\211L\203\374\333L!Y`TLDU\211\\\204 \x0eZ\204&\x0eLEU\203&`Z\2023\x0eZ\2033\x0e[\2043`[HI\316WI\211AI\242\211X\203N\364\365\215\210\202:\x0en\203i\317o\366\367!\210\370Y!V\371WV\"W)W\204s\x0ep\203\362\x0eOTOq;\203\211\372q\373Y!\"\202\216\x0eqY!\351\261\210\374T`S\347\375Y!$\210\374T`S\362\317$\210\374T`S\376\317$\210\374T`S\377O$\210\\\203\310\374T`S\324\317$\210\201y\x0eWF\\#\211W\203\343\201z\x0eW\321\"\351\261\210\374T`S\201{\x0eL$\210\374T`S\377O$\210\202\362\x0er\203U\x0e]\203U\330\316\331\"\346s!\316tu\x18\201|\x0eu\201}\"u\201~\x0eu\201\x7f\x0e]#u\201~\x0eu\201\200\x0e^#u\201~\x0eu\201\201\321#u\201\202\201\203\x0eu\"\211tc\210+eb\210v\204b\201\204 \210\201\205e!\203r\201\205d!\204\237dSb\210\201\206\201\207!\210\201\205\x0eZ\206\211\201\210!\204\237\x0eZ\206\225\201\210b\210\201\206\201\210!\210Z\206\247\201\210b\210\361ed\201\211\321\201\212\x0e`\x0eAE\201\213\x0eb\201\214\x0ew\257\b#\210S\201\215=\203\325\201\216 \210\201\217 \210\317x\201\220\357!.\207" [org-agenda-buffer-tmp-name org-agenda-sticky org-keys org-match org-agenda-buffer-name start-day format "*Org Agenda(%s:%s)*" "*Org Agenda(%s)*" "*Org Agenda(a)*" org-agenda-prepare "Day/Week" time-to-days org-read-date nil t org-compile-prefix-format agenda org-set-sorting-strategy org-agenda-ndays-to-span org-today org-agenda-span-to-ndays 7 14 org-agenda-files ifmode calendar-day-of-week calendar-gregorian-from-absolute 0 org-agenda-list quote last org-starting-day make-local-variable org-arg-loc org-agenda-current-span org-days-to-iso-week org-add-props copy-sequence face org-agenda-structure "\n" org-agenda-span-name "-agenda" 350 " (W%02d)" " (W%02d-W%02d)" "" ":\n" add-text-properties ...] 12)
#<subr call-interactively>(org-agenda-list nil nil)
ad-Advice-call-interactively(#<subr call-interactively> org-agenda-list nil nil)
apply(ad-Advice-call-interactively #<subr call-interactively> (org-agenda-list nil nil))
call-interactively(org-agenda-list nil nil)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk
Debian testing, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs
[-- Attachment #2: signature.asc --]
[-- Type: application/pgp-signature, Size: 818 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 3+ messages in thread
* Re: Agenda fails to display
2015-04-20 10:02 Agenda fails to display Sharon Kimble
@ 2015-04-20 11:43 ` Nicolas Goaziou
2015-04-20 13:17 ` Sharon Kimble
0 siblings, 1 reply; 3+ messages in thread
From: Nicolas Goaziou @ 2015-04-20 11:43 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Sharon Kimble; +Cc: org-mode
Sharon Kimble <boudiccas@skimble.plus.com> writes:
> A problem has developed overnight where I am not able to display my
> usual 3-week agenda. I can display a list of TODOs but no display of
> agenda. When I try "C-c a a" It displays "21 days-agenda (W17-W19):"
> and nothing else. But, it does throw up this debug info, rather long
> unfortunately, but I'll put it at the end.
> This is with org-version "Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @
> /home/boudiccas/git/org-mode/lisp/)" which I cloned on the 18th
> April.
> My last action on my organiser file was to change the date of a
> scheduled task.
> How can I get it working properly again please?
> Thanks
> Sharon.
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable org-ts-regexp-inactive)
> (format "^[ ]*-[ ]+\\(?:State \"%s\".*%s%s\\)" (regexp-opt org-done-keywords) org-ts-regexp-inactive (let ((value (cdr (assq (quote done) org-log-note-headings)))) (if (not value) "" (concat "\\|" (org-replace-escapes (regexp-quote value) (cons (cons "%d" org-ts-regexp-inactive) (cons (cons "%D" org-ts-regexp) (cons ... ...))))))))
> (let* ((maxdays (+ org-habit-preceding-days
> org-habit-following-days)) (reversed org-log-states-order-reversed)
> (search (if reversed (quote re-search-forward) (quote
> re-search-backward))) (limit (if reversed end (point))) (count 0)
> (re (format "^[ ]*-[ ]+\\(?:State \"%s\".*%s%s\\)"
> (regexp-opt org-done-keywords) org-ts-regexp-inactive (let ((value
> (cdr ...))) (if (not value) "" (concat "\\|" (org-replace-escapes
> ... ...))))))) (if reversed nil (goto-char end)) (while (and (<
> count maxdays) (funcall search re limit t)) (setq closed-dates (cons
> (time-to-days (org-time-string-to-time (or
> (org-match-string-no-properties 1) (org-match-string-no-properties
> 2)))) closed-dates)) (setq count (1+ count))))
This change was introduced in e4da74c452f945274a8586be2803ed6b3a31b0bc,
which is in master brach, not maint. For some reason, it seems you are
using a version of "org-habit.el" that doesn't belong to Org 8.2.10.
Nicolas Goaziou
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 3+ messages in thread
* Re: Agenda fails to display
2015-04-20 11:43 ` Nicolas Goaziou
@ 2015-04-20 13:17 ` Sharon Kimble
0 siblings, 0 replies; 3+ messages in thread
From: Sharon Kimble @ 2015-04-20 13:17 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: org-mode
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 3711 bytes --]
Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr> writes:
> Hello,
> Sharon Kimble <boudiccas@skimble.plus.com> writes:
>> A problem has developed overnight where I am not able to display my
>> usual 3-week agenda. I can display a list of TODOs but no display of
>> agenda. When I try "C-c a a" It displays "21 days-agenda (W17-W19):"
>> and nothing else. But, it does throw up this debug info, rather long
>> unfortunately, but I'll put it at the end.
>> This is with org-version "Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @
>> /home/boudiccas/git/org-mode/lisp/)" which I cloned on the 18th
>> April.
>> My last action on my organiser file was to change the date of a
>> scheduled task.
>> How can I get it working properly again please?
>> Thanks
>> Sharon.
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable org-ts-regexp-inactive)
>> (format "^[ ]*-[ ]+\\(?:State \"%s\".*%s%s\\)" (regexp-opt
>> org-done-keywords) org-ts-regexp-inactive (let ((value (cdr (assq (quote
>> done) org-log-note-headings)))) (if (not value) "" (concat "\\|"
>> (org-replace-escapes (regexp-quote value) (cons (cons "%d"
>> org-ts-regexp-inactive) (cons (cons "%D" org-ts-regexp) (cons ...
>> ...))))))))
>> (let* ((maxdays (+ org-habit-preceding-days
>> org-habit-following-days)) (reversed org-log-states-order-reversed)
>> (search (if reversed (quote re-search-forward) (quote
>> re-search-backward))) (limit (if reversed end (point))) (count 0)
>> (re (format "^[ ]*-[ ]+\\(?:State \"%s\".*%s%s\\)"
>> (regexp-opt org-done-keywords) org-ts-regexp-inactive (let ((value
>> (cdr ...))) (if (not value) "" (concat "\\|" (org-replace-escapes
>> ... ...))))))) (if reversed nil (goto-char end)) (while (and (<
>> count maxdays) (funcall search re limit t)) (setq closed-dates (cons
>> (time-to-days (org-time-string-to-time (or
>> (org-match-string-no-properties 1) (org-match-string-no-properties
>> 2)))) closed-dates)) (setq count (1+ count))))
> This change was introduced in e4da74c452f945274a8586be2803ed6b3a31b0bc,
> which is in master brach, not maint. For some reason, it seems you are
> using a version of "org-habit.el" that doesn't belong to Org 8.2.10.
Thanks for this Nicholas.
I've just checked and the version of "org-habit.el" is dated 18th
April, the same time and date as when I cloned the repo.
I cloned using this command -
│git clone git://orgmode.org/org-mode.git
I've just done a git-check which shows -
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
[boudiccas:Mon Apr 20 13:51:49 @~/git/org-mode]$ [5050]>; git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
If I do "git describe" it then shows
So I've done "git checkout maint" which then shows
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Branch maint set up to track remote branch maint from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'maint'
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
So I did "make autoloads", closed emacs, restarted emacs, and the
agenda now displays perfectly. So thanks, everything is now working
well again.
I've deliberately been a bit long-winded in my reply, so that other
folk in the same problem can see what to do to get things working
A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk
Debian testing, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs
[-- Attachment #2: signature.asc --]
[-- Type: application/pgp-signature, Size: 818 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 3+ messages in thread
end of thread, other threads:[~2015-04-20 13:17 UTC | newest]
Thread overview: 3+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed
-- links below jump to the message on this page --
2015-04-20 10:02 Agenda fails to display Sharon Kimble
2015-04-20 11:43 ` Nicolas Goaziou
2015-04-20 13:17 ` Sharon Kimble
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