* Bug: `comment-line` within a SRC block moves point to beginning of block [9.2 (9.2-43-gf9a8cc-elpaplus)]
@ 2019-01-28 19:34 Spencer Russell
2019-01-29 20:32 ` Nicolas Goaziou
0 siblings, 1 reply; 5+ messages in thread
From: Spencer Russell @ 2019-01-28 19:34 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: emacs-orgmode
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 211325 bytes --]
I've been trying to troubleshoot an issue where running `comment-line`
within a SRC block moves point to the beginning of the block, rather
than after the commented line.
I've boiled it down to a reproduction that duplicates the root cause.
Open an org document, put point in a SRC block on some line besides the
first, and run the following:
(insert "FOO")))
This duplicates what happens in `org-comment-or-uncomment-region`
in `org.el`.
This will add "FOO" to point, as expected, but point jumps to the
beginning of the block (at least on my setup). According to the docs of
`org-edit-src-code`, which is used by `org-babel-do-in-edit-buffer`, it
removes the original code and replaces it with the edited code. That
seems like the source of the problem, because the marker saved by `save-
excursion` is lost.
Emacs : GNU Emacs 26.1 (build 2, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
3.22.30) of 2018-05-29Package: Org mode version 9.2 (9.2-43-gf9a8cc-elpaplus @ /home/sfr/.emacs.d/elpa/26.1/develop/org-plus-contrib-20190128/)
current state:
org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer org-src-mode-configure-edit-
buffer)org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
org-blank-before-new-entry '((heading) (plain-list-item))
org-babel-after-execute-hook '(spacemacs/ob-fix-inline-images)
org-html-checkbox-type 'html
org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe)
org-clock-out-hook '(org-clock-remove-empty-clock-drawer)
org-refile-targets '((("~/Dropbox/org/habits.org"
"~/Dropbox/org/notes.org" "~/Dropbox/org/todo.org") :maxlevel . 2) (("~/Dropbox/org/projects/chainapi.org"
"~/Dropbox/org/projects/manta.org" "~/Dropbox/org/projects/miscjulia.org"
"~/Dropbox/org/projects/resenv.org" "~/Dropbox/org/projects/studcom.org"
"~/Dropbox/org/projects/tidmarsh.org") :maxlevel . 2)
org-html-format-inlinetask-function 'org-html-format-inlinetask-default-
functionorg-ref-create-notes-hook '((lambda nil (org-narrow-to-subtree) (insert
(format "cite:%s\n" (org-entry-get (point) "Custom_ID")))))org-src-tab-acts-natively t
org-odt-format-headline-function 'org-odt-format-headline-default-
functionorg-latex-pdf-process '("latexmk -shell-escape -bibtex -f -pdf %f")
org-imenu-depth 8
org-download-annotate-function 'org-download-annotate-default
org-agenda-files '("~/Dropbox/org/todo.org" "~/Dropbox/org/capture.org"
"~/Dropbox/org/habits.org" "~/Dropbox/org/projects")org-ascii-format-inlinetask-function 'org-ascii-format-inlinetask-
defaultorg-clock-report-include-clocking-task t
org-tag-alist '(("PROJECT" . 112) ("FOCUSED" . 102) ("HABIT" . 104))
org-modules '(org-bibtex org-drill org-learn)
org-agenda-log-mode-items '(clock state)
org-id-link-to-org-use-id t
org-mode-hook '(#[0 "\301\211\x10\207" [imenu-create-index-function org-imenu-get-
tree] 2] (closure (t) nil (hl-todo-mode -1) nil) (closure (t) nil
(undo-tree-mode 1)) (closure (t) nil
(let ((--dolist-tail-- (quote (org-level-1 org-level-2
org-level-3 org-level-4 org-level-5)))) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((face (car --dolist-tail--
))) (set-face-attribute face nil :weight (quote
semi-bold) :height 1.0) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr
--dolist-tail--))))) )
org-ref-org-menu ob-ipython-auto-configure-kernels #[0
"\300\301\302\303\304$\207" [add-hook change-major-mode-
hook org-show-all append local] 5] #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304$\207" [add-hook change-major-mode-
#hook org-babel-show-result-all append local] 5] org-babel-result-hide-
#spec org-babel-hide-all-hashes spacemacs/org-setup-evil-
#surround spacemacs/load-yasnippet toc-org-enable org-download-enable org-bullets-mode dotspacemacs//prettify-spacemacs-
docs spacemacs//org-babel-do-load-languages spacemacs//evil-org-
mode org-eldoc-load spacemacs//init-company-org-mode
company-mode)org-ref-insert-cite-function 'org-ref-helm-insert-cite-link
org-odt-format-drawer-function #[514 "\207" [] 3 "\n\n(fn NAME
CONTENTS)"]org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil
org-archive-hook '(org-attach-archive-delete-maybe)
org-agenda-restore-windows-after-quit t
org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
org-startup-indented t
org-startup-with-inline-images t
org-reverse-note-order t
org-ref-clean-bibtex-key-function '(lambda (key) (replace-regexp-in-
string ":" "" key))org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
org-bibtex-headline-format-function #[257 "\300\x01\236A\207" [:title] 3
"\n\n(fn ENTRY)"]org-log-reschedule 'time
org-latex-format-drawer-function #[514 "\207" [] 3 "\n\n(fn _
CONTENTS)"]org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer)
org-tab-first-hook '(org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe org-babel-header-arg-
expand)org-ref-bibliography-notes "~/Dropbox/org/bibliography.org"
org-export-initial-scope 'subtree
org-babel-load-languages '((ipython . t))
org-ref-clean-bibtex-entry-hook '(org-ref-bibtex-format-url-if-doi
orcb-key-comma org-ref-replace-nonascii orcb-& orcb-% org-ref-title-case-
article orcb-clean-year orcb-key orcb-clean-doi orcb-clean-pages
orcb-check-journal org-ref-sort-bibtex-entry orcb-fix-
spacing)org-ref-insert-label-function 'org-ref-helm-insert-label-link
org-ref-open-pdf-function '(closure (t) nil (let* ((results (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-
file)) (key (car results))) (bibtex-completion-open-pdf (list key))))org-ascii-format-drawer-function #[771 "\x01\207" [] 4 "\n\n(fn NAME
CONTENTS WIDTH)"]org-ref-formatted-citation-formats '(("text" ("article" . "${author},
${title}, ${journal}, ${volume}(${number}), ${pages} (${year}). ${doi}") ("inproceedings" . "${author},
${title}, In ${editor},
${booktitle} (pp. ${pages})
(${year}). ${address}:
${publisher}.") ("book" .
"${author}, ${title} (${year}),
${address}: ${publisher}.") ("phdthesis" . "${author},
${title} (Doctoral dissertation)
(${year}). ${school},
${address}.") ("inbook" . "${author}, ${title},
In ${editor} (Eds.), ${booktitle}
(pp. ${pages}) (${year}).
${address}: ${publisher}.") ("incollection" . "${author},
${title}, In ${editor} (Eds.),
${booktitle} (pp. ${pages})
(${year}). ${address}:
${publisher}.") ("proceedings" . "${editor}
(Eds.), ${booktitle} (${year}).
${address}: ${publisher}.")
("unpublished" . "${author},
${title} (${year}). Unpublished
manuscript.") (nil . "${author}, ${title}
(${year}).")) ("org" ("article" . "${author},
/${title}/, ${journal},
*${volume}(${number})*, ${pages}
(${year}). ${doi}") ("inproceedings" . "${author},
/${title}/, In ${booktitle} (pp.
${pages}) (${year}). ${address}")
("book" . "${author}, /${title}/
(${year}), ${address}:
${publisher}.") ("phdthesis" . "${author},
/${title}/ (Doctoral
dissertation) (${year}).
${school}, ${address}.") ("inbook" . "${author},
/${title}/, In ${editor} (Eds.),
${booktitle} (pp. ${pages})
(${year}). ${address}:
${publisher}.") ("incollection" . "${author},
/${title}/, In ${editor} (Eds.),
${booktitle} (pp. ${pages})
(${year}). ${address}:
${publisher}.") ("proceedings" . "${editor}
(Eds.), _${booktitle}_ (${year}).
${address}: ${publisher}.")
("unpublished" . "${author},
/${title}/ (${year}). Unpublished
manuscript.") (nil . "${author}, /${title}/
(${year}).")) )
org-agenda-span 'day
org-ref-open-notes-function '(lambda nil (org-show-entry) (outline-show-
branches) (outline-show-children) (org-cycle (quote (64))) (recenter-top-
bottom 0))org-src-lang-modes '(("jupyter-python" . python) ("jupyter-julia" .
julia) ("arduino" . arduino) ("ipython" . python) ("redis" . redis)
("php" . php) ("C" . c) ("C++" . c++) ("asymptote" . asy) ("bash" . sh)
("beamer" . latex) ("calc" . fundamental) ("cpp" . c++) ("ditaa" .
artist) ("dot" . fundamental) ("elisp" . emacs-
lisp) ("ocaml" . tuareg) ("screen" . shell-script)
("shell" . sh) ("sqlite" . sql))org-src-preserve-indentation t
org-agenda-prefix-format '((agenda . " %-12:c%?-12t% s") (todo . " %-
12:c%l") (tags . " %-12:c%l") (search . " %-12:c%l"))org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
org-log-into-drawer t
org-ref-bibtex-assoc-pdf-with-entry-move-function 'rename-file
org-ref-insert-link-function 'org-ref-helm-insert-cite-link
org-ref-insert-ref-function 'org-ref-helm-insert-ref-link
org-structure-template-alist '(("j" "\n#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :session
:results raw drawer :kernel julia-0.6\n?\n#+END_SRC\n") ("n"
"#+BEGIN_NOTES\n?\n#+END_NOTES") ("a" . "export ascii") ("c" . "center")
("C" . "comment") ("e" . "example") ("E" . "export")
("h" . "export html") ("l" . "export
latex") ("q" . "quote") ("s" . "src")
("v" . "verse"))org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-show-empty-
lines)org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "BLOCKED(b@/!)" "|"
"CANCELED(c@/!)" "DONE(d!/!)"))org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-activate org-babel-speed-command-
activate)org-ref-default-bibliography '("~/bibliography.bib")
org-clock-persist-file "/home/sfr/.emacs.d/.cache/org-clock-save.el"
org-odt-format-inlinetask-function 'org-odt-format-inlinetask-default-
functionorg-babel-tangle-lang-exts '(("python" . "py") ("emacs-lisp" . "el")
("elisp" . "el"))org-publish-timestamp-directory "/home/sfr/.emacs.d/.cache/.org-
timestamps/"org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes 'confirm
org-export-async-init-file "/home/sfr/.emacs.d/layers/+emacs/org/local/org-async-
init.el"org-refile-use-outline-path 'file
org-font-lock-set-keywords-hook '(org-drill-add-cloze-fontification)
org-id-locations-file "/home/sfr/.emacs.d/.cache/.org-id-locations"
org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
org-link-parameters '(("id" :follow org-id-open) ("printindex" :follow
org-ref-index :export #[(path desc format) "\b\301=\205 \0\300\302!\207"
[format latex "\\printindex"] 2]) ("index" :follow #[(path) "\301\b!\207" [path
occur] 2] :export #[(path desc format)
"\b\302=\205\n\0\300\303 \"\207" [format path
latex "\\index{%s}"] 3]) ("bibentry" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-bibentry
:complete org-bibentry-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Autocites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Autocites
:complete org-Autocites-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("autocites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-autocites
:complete org-autocites-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("supercites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-supercites
:complete org-supercites-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Textcites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Textcites
:complete org-Textcites-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("textcites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-textcites
:complete org-textcites-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Smartcites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Smartcites
:complete org-Smartcites-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("smartcites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-smartcites
:complete org-smartcites-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("footcitetexts" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-
footcitetexts :complete org-footcitetexts-complete-
link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("footcites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-footcites
:complete org-footcites-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Parencites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Parencites
:complete org-Parencites-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("parencites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-parencites
:complete org-parencites-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Cites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Cites
:complete org-Cites-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("cites" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-cites
:complete org-cites-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("fnotecite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-fnotecite
:complete org-fnotecite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Pnotecite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Pnotecite
:complete org-Pnotecite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("pnotecite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-pnotecite
:complete org-pnotecite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Notecite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Notecite
:complete org-Notecite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("notecite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-notecite
:complete org-notecite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("footfullcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-
footfullcite :complete org-footfullcite-complete-
link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("fullcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-fullcite
:complete org-fullcite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citeurl" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citeurl
:complete org-citeurl-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citedate*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citedate*
:complete org-citedate*-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citedate" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citedate
:complete org-citedate-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citetitle*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citetitle*
:complete org-citetitle*-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citetitle" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citetitle
:complete org-citetitle-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Citeauthor*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-
Citeauthor* :complete org-Citeauthor*-complete-
link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Autocite*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Autocite*
:complete org-Autocite*-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("autocite*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-autocite*
:complete org-autocite*-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Autocite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Autocite
:complete org-Autocite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("autocite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-autocite
:complete org-autocite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("supercite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-supercite
:complete org-supercite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("parencite*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-parencite*
:complete org-parencite*-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("cite*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-cite*
:complete org-cite*-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Smartcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Smartcite
:complete org-Smartcite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("smartcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-smartcite
:complete org-smartcite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Textcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Textcite
:complete org-Textcite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("textcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-textcite
:complete org-textcite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("footcitetext" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-
footcitetext :complete org-footcitetext-complete-
link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("footcite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-footcite
:complete org-footcite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Parencite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Parencite
:complete org-Parencite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("parencite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-parencite
:complete org-parencite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Cite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Cite
:complete org-Cite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Citeauthor" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Citeauthor
:complete org-Citeauthor-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Citealp" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Citealp
:complete org-Citealp-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Citealt" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Citealt
:complete org-Citealt-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Citep" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Citep
:complete org-Citep-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("Citet" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-Citet
:complete org-Citet-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citeyearpar" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-
citeyearpar :complete org-citeyearpar-complete-
link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citeyear*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citeyear*
:complete org-citeyear*-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citeyear" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citeyear
:complete org-citeyear-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citeauthor*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-
citeauthor* :complete org-citeauthor*-complete-
link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citeauthor" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citeauthor
:complete org-citeauthor-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citetext" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citetext
:complete org-citetext-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citenum" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citenum
:complete org-citenum-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citealp*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citealp*
:complete org-citealp*-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citealp" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citealp
:complete org-citealp-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citealt*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citealt*
:complete org-citealt*-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citealt" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citealt
:complete org-citealt-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citep*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citep*
:complete org-citep*-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citep" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citep
:complete org-citep-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citet*" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citet*
:complete org-citet*-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("citet" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-citet
:complete org-citet-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("nocite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-nocite
:complete org-nocite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) )
("cite" :follow (lambda (_) (funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-
function nil)) :export org-ref-format-cite
:complete org-cite-complete-link :help-echo (lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter (save-
excursion (goto-char position) (let ((s (org-ref-format-
entry (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-under-cursor))))
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
(buffer-string)))))) :face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display
full :keymap (keymap (S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link) (S-
right lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link 1)) (S-left lambda nil (interactive) (org-ref-swap-citation-
link -1)) (C-right . org-ref-next-key) (C-left . org-ref-previous-key) (16777337
lambda nil "Paste key at point. Assumes the
first thing in the killring is a key."
(interactive) (org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car
kill-ring))) (16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at
point." (interactive) (kill-new (org-element-
property :path (org-element-context)))) (16777335 lambda nil (interactive) (kill-new
(car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file)))) (16777318 lambda nil (interactive) (save-
excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point) (kill-
new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point))))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point) (16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-
point) (org-ref-email-bibtex-entry))
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point) (16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 . org-ref-open-pdf-at-point)
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body) (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-
mouse) (mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse)) :store org-ref-bibtex-store-link)
("Cref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export org-ref-Cref-
export :complete org-ref-complete-link :face org-ref-ref-face-
fn :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo) ("cref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export org-ref-cref-
export :complete org-ref-complete-link :face org-ref-ref-face-
fn :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo) ("autoref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export org-ref-autoref-
export :complete org-ref-complete-link :face org-ref-ref-face-
fn :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo) ("eqref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export org-ref-eqref-
export :complete org-ref-complete-link :face org-ref-ref-face-
fn :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo) ("nameref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export org-ref-export-
nameref :complete org-ref-complete-link :face org-ref-ref-face-
fn :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo) ("pageref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export
#[(path desc format) "\b\302\267\202\x10\0\300\303
#\"\207\300\304 \"\207\305\207" [format path #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-
size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t
data (html 6 latex 11))
"(<pageref>%s</pageref>)" "\\pageref{%s}" nil]
3] :face org-ref-ref-face-fn :complete org-pageref-complete-
link :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo) ("ref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export org-ref-ref-
export :complete org-ref-complete-link :face org-ref-ref-face-
fn :help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo) ("label" :follow
#[(label) "\302\b!\x19\303\304\305 \211\306U\204\x14\0
#[label count org-ref-count-labels message
#format "%s occurence%s" 0 1 "s" ""] 6 "On clicking count the number of label tags
used in the buffer.\nA number greater than one
means multiple labels!"] :export
#[(keyword desc format)
#"\b\302\267\202\x15\0\300\303 \"\207\300\304
#\"\207\300\305 \"\207\306\207" [format keyword #s(hash-table size 3 test eq
rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125
purecopy t data (html 6 md 11 latex 16)) "<div
id=\"%s\"></div>" "<a name=\"%s\"></a>"
"\\label{%s}" nil] 3] :store org-label-store-link :face org-ref-label-face-
fn :help-echo #[(window object position) "\212\bb\210\303
#\x19\304\305!\x1ar\nq\210\306\216 c\210\307
#\210\310 -\207" [position s temp-buffer org-ref-link-message
generate-new-buffer " *temp*" #[nil
"\301\b!\205 \0\302\b!\207" [temp-buffer buffer-
name kill-buffer] 2] fill-paragraph buffer-
string] 2] )
("list-of-tables" :follow org-ref-list-of-
tables :export #[(keyword desc format)
"\b\301=\205 \0\300\302!\207" [format latex
"\\listoftables"] 2]) ("list-of-figures" :follow org-ref-list-of-
figures :export #[(keyword desc format)
"\b\301=\205 \0\300\302!\207" [format latex
"\\listoffigures"] 2]) ("addbibresource" :follow org-ref-follow-
addbibresource :export #[(keyword desc format)
#\"\207\305\207" [format keyword #s(hash-table size 2 test eq
rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125
purecopy t data (html 6 latex 10)) ""
"\\addbibresource{%s}" nil] 3] )
("bibliographystyle" :export #[(keyword desc
format) "\b\302=\204\f\0\b\303=\203\x11\0\300\304
\"\207\305\207" [format keyword latex beamer
"\\bibliographystyle{%s}" ""] 3]) ("printbibliography" :follow org-ref-open-
bibliography :export #[(keyword desc format) "\b\302\267\202\x0e\0\303
#\207\304 \207 \207\305\207" [format org-ref-printbibliography-cmd #s(hash-
table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-
threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (org 6 html 9
latex 12)) org-ref-get-org-bibliography org-ref-get-html-
bibliography nil] 2]
("nobibliography" :follow org-ref-open-
bibliography :export org-ref-nobibliography-
format) ("bibliography" :follow org-ref-open-bibliography
:export org-ref-bibliography-format :complete org-bibliography-complete-
link :help-echo #[(window object position) "\212\bb\210\303
#\x19\304\305!\x1ar\nq\210\306\216 c\210\307
#\210\310 -\207" [position s temp-buffer org-ref-link-message
generate-new-buffer " *temp*" #[nil
"\301\b!\205 \0\302\b!\207" [temp-buffer buffer-
name kill-buffer] 2] fill-paragraph buffer-
string] 2] :face org-ref-bibliography-face-fn)
("Acp" :follow or-follow-acronym :face org-ref-acronym-
face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\301\267\202
\0\302\303\300A\x05#\207\302\304\x04\226\"\207" [("Acp" . "Glspl") #s(hash-
table size 1 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t
data (latex 6)) format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("acp" :follow or-follow-acronym :face org-ref-acronym-
face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\301\267\202
\0\302\303\300A\x05#\207\302\304\x04\226\"\207" [("acp" . "glspl") #s(hash-
table size 1 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t
data (latex 6)) format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("Ac" :follow or-follow-acronym :face org-ref-acronym-
face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\301\267\202
\0\302\303\300A\x05#\207\302\304\x04\226\"\207" [("Ac" . "Gls") #s(hash-table
size 1 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data
(latex 6)) format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("ac" :follow or-follow-acronym :face org-ref-acronym-
face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\301\267\202
\0\302\303\300A\x05#\207\302\304\x04\226\"\207" [("ac" . "gls") #s(hash-table
size 1 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data
(latex 6)) format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("acrfull" :follow or-follow-acronym :face org-ref-acronym-
face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\301\267\202
[("acrfull" . "acrfull") #s(hash-table size 1
test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold
0.8125 purecopy t data (latex 6)) format
"\\%s{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"] )
("acrlong" :follow or-follow-acronym :face org-ref-acronym-
face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\301\267\202
[("acrlong" . "acrlong") #s(hash-table size 1
test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold
0.8125 purecopy t data (latex 6)) format
"\\%s{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"] )
("acrshort" :follow or-follow-acronym :face org-ref-acronym-
face :help-echo or-acronym-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\301\267\202
[("acrshort" . "acrshort") #s(hash-table size
1 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold
0.8125 purecopy t data (latex 6)) format
"\\%s{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"] )
("glslink" :follow or-follow-glossary :face org-ref-glossary-
face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\300\267\202\f\0\301\302\x04\x04#\207\30-
#1\303\x04\"\207" [#s(hash-table size 1 test eq
#rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125
#purecopy t data (latex 6)) format
#"\\glslink{%s}{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH DESC FORMAT)"]
("glsdesc" :follow or-follow-glossary :face org-ref-glossary-
face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\301\267\202\f\0\302\303\300\x05#\207\-
#302\304\x04\"\207" ["glsdesc" #s(hash-table size
#1 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold
#0.8125 purecopy t data (latex 6)) format
#"\\%s{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("glssymbol" :follow or-follow-glossary :face org-ref-glossary-
face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\301\267\202\f\0\302\303\300\x05#\207\3-
#02\304\x04\"\207" ["glssymbol" #s(hash-table size
#1 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold
#0.8125 purecopy t data (latex 6)) format
#"\\%s{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("Glspl" :follow or-follow-glossary :face org-ref-glossary-
face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\301\267\202\f\0\302\303\300\x05#\207\-
#302\304\x04\"\207" ["Glspl" #s(hash-table size 1
#test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold
#0.8125 purecopy t data (latex 6)) format
#"\\%s{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("Gls" :follow or-follow-glossary :face org-ref-glossary-
face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\301\267\202\f\0\302\303\300\x05#\207\-
#302\304\x04\"\207" ["Gls" #s(hash-table size 1
#test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold
#0.8125 purecopy t data (latex 6)) format
#"\\%s{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("glspl" :follow or-follow-glossary :face org-ref-glossary-
face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\301\267\202\f\0\302\303\300\x05#\207\-
#302\304\x04\"\207" ["glspl" #s(hash-table size 1
#test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold
#0.8125 purecopy t data (latex 6)) format
#"\\%s{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("gls" :follow or-follow-glossary :face org-ref-glossary-
face :help-echo or-glossary-tooltip :export #[771 "\211\301\267\202\f\0\302\303\300\x05#\207\-
#302\304\x04\"\207" ["gls" #s(hash-table size 1
#test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold
#0.8125 purecopy t data (latex 6)) format
#"\\%s{%s}" "%s"] 7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("bibtex" :follow org-bibtex-open :store org-bibtex-store-
link) ("file+sys") ("file+emacs") ("doi" :follow doi-link-menu :export
#[(doi desc format) "\b\304\267\202 \0\300\305 \n
#\206\x11\0\306\nP$\207\300\307 \n
#\206\x1e\0\306\nP$\207\310\207" [format doi-utils-dx-doi-org-url doi desc #s(hash-
table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-
threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (html 6 latex
19)) "<a href=\"%s%s\">%s</a>" "doi:"
"\\href{%s%s}{%s}" nil] 6] )
("elisp" :follow org--open-elisp-link) ("file"
:complete org-file-complete-link) ("ftp" :follow
(lambda (path) (browse-url (concat "ftp:"
path)))) ("help" :follow org--open-help-link) ("http" :follow (lambda (path) (browse-url
(concat "http:" path)))) ("https" :follow (lambda
(path) (browse-url (concat "https:" path))))
("mailto" :follow (lambda (path) (browse-url
(concat "mailto:" path)))) ("news" :follow (lambda (path) (browse-url
(concat "news:" path)))) ("shell" :follow org--open-shell-
link))org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t
org-latex-format-headline-function 'org-latex-format-headline-default-
functionorg-present-mode-hook '(spacemacs//org-present-start)
org-link-translation-function 'toc-org-unhrefify
org-latex-format-inlinetask-function 'org-latex-format-inlinetask-default-
functionorg-html-format-drawer-function #[514 "\207" [] 3 "\n\n(fn NAME
CONTENTS)"]org-image-actual-width nil
org-ref-get-pdf-filename-function 'org-ref-get-pdf-filename
org-present-mode-quit-hook '(spacemacs//org-present-end)
org-html-format-headline-function 'org-html-format-headline-default-
functionorg-confirm-babel-evaluate nil
org-ref-cite-onclick-function 'org-ref-cite-click-helm
org-agenda-custom-commands '(("a" "Daily Agenda" ((agenda "")
(tags "PROJECT+FOCUSED")) ((org-agenda-start-with-log-mode (quote
(clock state))))) ("p" "Projects" tags "PROJECT" ((org-use-tag-
inheritance nil))) ("m" "Misc. Unscheduled ToDos" tags "-PROJECT-
function (quote (org-agenda-skip-entry-if
(quote scheduled)))))))org-agenda-clockreport-parameter-plist '(:link t :maxlevel 2 :stepskip0
t :fileskip0 t)org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((agenda todo-state-up habit-down time-up
priority-down category-keep) (todo priority-down category-keep) (tags
priority-down category-keep) (search category-keep))org-ref-notes-function '(closure (t) (maybekey) (let* ((key (car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-
file maybekey)))) (bibtex-completion-edit-notes (list key))))org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t
org-ref-formatted-citation-backend "org"
org-download-abbreviate-filename-function 'file-relative-name
org-default-notes-file "~/Dropbox/org/capture.org"
[-- Attachment #2: Type: text/html, Size: 291944 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 5+ messages in thread
* Re: Bug: `comment-line` within a SRC block moves point to beginning of block [9.2 (9.2-43-gf9a8cc-elpaplus)]
2019-01-28 19:34 Bug: `comment-line` within a SRC block moves point to beginning of block [9.2 (9.2-43-gf9a8cc-elpaplus)] Spencer Russell
@ 2019-01-29 20:32 ` Nicolas Goaziou
2019-01-30 14:46 ` Spencer Russell
0 siblings, 1 reply; 5+ messages in thread
From: Nicolas Goaziou @ 2019-01-29 20:32 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Spencer Russell; +Cc: emacs-orgmode
Spencer Russell <spencer.f.russell@gmail.com> writes:
> I've been trying to troubleshoot an issue where running `comment-line`
> within a SRC block moves point to the beginning of the block, rather
> than after the commented line.
> I've boiled it down to a reproduction that duplicates the root cause.
> Open an org document, put point in a SRC block on some line besides the
> first, and run the following:
> ```
> (save-excursion
> (org-babel-do-in-edit-buffer
> (insert "FOO")))
> ```
> This duplicates what happens in `org-comment-or-uncomment-region`
> in `org.el`.
> This will add "FOO" to point, as expected, but point jumps to the
> beginning of the block (at least on my setup). According to the docs of
> `org-edit-src-code`, which is used by `org-babel-do-in-edit-buffer`, it
> removes the original code and replaces it with the edited code. That
> seems like the source of the problem, because the marker saved by `save-
> excursion` is lost.
FWIW, I cannot reproduce it.
Nicolas Goaziou
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 5+ messages in thread
* Re: Bug: `comment-line` within a SRC block moves point to beginning of block [9.2 (9.2-43-gf9a8cc-elpaplus)]
2019-01-29 20:32 ` Nicolas Goaziou
@ 2019-01-30 14:46 ` Spencer Russell
2019-01-30 21:13 ` Nicolas Goaziou
0 siblings, 1 reply; 5+ messages in thread
From: Spencer Russell @ 2019-01-30 14:46 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Nicolas Goaziou; +Cc: emacs-orgmode
On Tue, Jan 29, 2019, at 3:32 PM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> FWIW, I cannot reproduce it.
Thanks for trying it out. Would you mind sharing your emacs and org versions?
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 5+ messages in thread
* Re: Bug: `comment-line` within a SRC block moves point to beginning of block [9.2 (9.2-43-gf9a8cc-elpaplus)]
2019-01-30 14:46 ` Spencer Russell
@ 2019-01-30 21:13 ` Nicolas Goaziou
2019-01-30 21:22 ` kadal
0 siblings, 1 reply; 5+ messages in thread
From: Nicolas Goaziou @ 2019-01-30 21:13 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Spencer Russell; +Cc: emacs-orgmode
Spencer Russell <spencer.f.russell@gmail.com> writes:
> Thanks for trying it out. Would you mind sharing your emacs and org
> versions?
Org mode version 9.2 (release_9.2-213-g5c07b4)
GNU Emacs 26.1
Could you try master branch?
Nicolas Goaziou
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 5+ messages in thread
* Re: Bug: `comment-line` within a SRC block moves point to beginning of block [9.2 (9.2-43-gf9a8cc-elpaplus)]
2019-01-30 21:13 ` Nicolas Goaziou
@ 2019-01-30 21:22 ` kadal
0 siblings, 0 replies; 5+ messages in thread
From: kadal @ 2019-01-30 21:22 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: emacs-orgmode
I have the same issue with:
Org mode version 9.2 (9.2-43-gf9a8cc-elpaplus)
GNU Emacs 27.0.50 (build 2, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.18.9) of
I assumed it was a bug in comment-dwim-2, but it occurs with
comment-line too.
On 1/30/19 1:13 PM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Hello,
> Spencer Russell <spencer.f.russell@gmail.com> writes:
>> Thanks for trying it out. Would you mind sharing your emacs and org
>> versions?
> Sure.
> Org mode version 9.2 (release_9.2-213-g5c07b4)
> GNU Emacs 26.1
> Could you try master branch?
> Regards,
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 5+ messages in thread
end of thread, other threads:[~2019-01-30 21:22 UTC | newest]
Thread overview: 5+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed
-- links below jump to the message on this page --
2019-01-28 19:34 Bug: `comment-line` within a SRC block moves point to beginning of block [9.2 (9.2-43-gf9a8cc-elpaplus)] Spencer Russell
2019-01-29 20:32 ` Nicolas Goaziou
2019-01-30 14:46 ` Spencer Russell
2019-01-30 21:13 ` Nicolas Goaziou
2019-01-30 21:22 ` kadal
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