Hi Nicholas,
I have some free time so I am reviewing the code again. I did it quite fast, because I was needing it. I would love if you could send me that file to reproduce the error. But it would be better, if you could produce one that I could add to the .zip without copyright issues.

Kind regards,
José M. 

2009/8/18 Nick Dokos <nicholas.dokos@hp.com>
Bastien <bastienguerry@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Jose Maria Garcia Perez <josemaria.alkala@gmail.com> writes:
> > Please don't blame since I am not a developer (I did what I could). I have not
> > tested it much (I did it on windows, not in linux).
> >
> > The link for the software:
> > http://mantiel.wikidot.com/os:odt2org
> Hey, that looks great.  I wanted to test it under GNU/Linux (debian) but
> the installation of the lxml library is not straightforward:
>   http://codespeak.net/lxml/installation.html
> Did anyone successfully installed/tested Jose's converter under GNU/Linux?

Running on Ubuntu 8.04: I used synaptic to install lxml with no problems
(presumably you can do the same thing from debian using apt and get the
.deb from some ubuntu repository). I also needed to install

$ odt2org.py -i fax_1.odt -o fax1.org
ERROR: install "OleFileIO_PL": http://www.decalage.info/files/OleFileIO_PL-0.18.zip

That was a straight python library install: unzip and run ``sudo python
setup.py install''.  After that, I tried it on a fax cover sheet that I
just happened to have (I don't do odt so I don't have much lying around)
and after I got the following error, I tried it on a simple document
that I created: a title and a couple of bullets - I got the same error:

$ odt2org.py -i fax_1.odt -o fax_1.org
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/home/nick/bin/odt2org.py", line 446, in <module>
 File "/home/nick/bin/odt2org.py", line 376, in exportToORG
   _output = self.__processText__()
 File "/home/nick/bin/odt2org.py", line 174, in __processText__
   _tmp = self.__processParagraph__(_child)
 File "/home/nick/bin/odt2org.py", line 200, in __processParagraph__
   for _i in _para.itertext():
AttributeError: 'etree._Element' object has no attribute 'itertext'

If you want to send me an odt document, I can try it out, but otherwise
I give up :-)
