On Fri, Mar 18 2011, Óscar Fuentes wrote: > The first line (Version:...) can change from machine to machine and over > time (as gpg is updated with a new version.) This is problematic when > the file is stored under version control, because as you decrypt and > encrypt an entry that line will change and create differences among the > file on the workspace and the file stored on VC. This is true only if you modify the content of the entry, so I'm not sure there's a real harm done here. > Second, the empty line just wastes space and it is plain ugly once we > remove the first one with the Version text. This line is required by the protocol. > Finally, on some systems (mostly Windows) depending on how your Emacs > and gpg are configured, ^M characters may appear at the end of every > line of gpg output once it is inserted on the Emacs buffer. This happens > when the buffer uses Unix line-endings but gpg uses DOS line-endings. I do not feel the right place and/or way to fix and encoding bug. > +(defun org-crypt-wash-encrypted-string (str) > + "Remove superfluos and annoying text from the encrypted string." > + (with-temp-buffer > + (insert str) > + (goto-char (point-min)) > + (while (re-search-forward "^Version:.*$\\|\^M\\|^\n" nil t) > + (replace-match "")) > + (buffer-string))) > + Ultimately, maybe simpler with `string-match'. -- Julien Danjou ❱ http://julien.danjou.info