Peter Davis writes: > A while ago, I switched from ELPA to Git as my Org-mode > source. However, I now have three Macs I'm trying to keep in sync, and > doing Git updates is definitely more labor intensive. Any suggestions > for good ways to keep three machines all up-to-date with Emacs and > Org? I use git to obtain org mode. For me, the tricky part is choosing which branch and when to update. Actually doing "git update" is easy. So I'd recommend: set "core.logallrefupdates = true" on all git repos on a well-connected server machine, clone the official repo, and checkout maint. on other machines, clone the first. when you want to update, create a tag 'stable-yyyymmdd' on the main machine. update and ff-merge to the latest maint. Test. If you have issues, git reset --hard stable-yyyymmdd. If you're happy, git remote update/merge (pull) on the others. That's basically what I do. I find the real work is resolving any issues From the update and deciding if it's safe. I used to follow master, not maint, so it was probably scarier there. > I suppose the best thing would be to put all my emacs stuff in a > Dropbox folder and run from that, but I haven't managed to overcome > the inertia to get that working. Do you mean your .org files or the sources for org? I don't see how git is unsuitable for the "get sources" part. I use it for .org files too (separate repo of course), and have a script to autocommit/push every morning on the main machine I edit on. One could use a distributed filesystem instead; I haven't tried the owncloud client (and wouldn't want to put any bits with confidentiality needs on dropbox).