I often use org in emacs inside an xterm (because the emacs is running on a machine far away and remote x emacs is piggy about bandwidth). Several observations: keys like shift-up sometimes work I think local xterm is somehow making a keycode and sending it over ssh. So it seems like in environments where there's a notion of 7-bit ASCII character sets and the 8th bit being available for meta, emacs tries to cope with that. I use no locale settings. But on machines with LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 or some such, I find that the meta key doesn't work in emacs any more (at least on remote logins) You can avoid all those keys and do things in org other ways. I tend to c-c c-s and type a new date, rather than use arrows anyway. There is "(setq org-use-speed-commands t)" and then 'l' and 'r' on headings will demote/promote. I like this because I don't have to remember if I'm in an environment where shift-arrow works. (IMHO it's a bug in org that anything mainstream uses keystrokes that are not available in a regular terminal. Back when I was young, we didn't have X, and had to carry our own VT52s to school. :-)