On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 07:41:13 -0700 Carsten Dominik wrote: cd> It is entirely up to you to define the syntax for this and process cd> arguments. The function org-mairix-gnus-open will be called with cd> whatever was after the "mairix:" tag in the link. Just define your cd> own syntax for passing arguments, like cd> [[mairix: -thread -verbose -new-frame]] cd> and process it in org-mairix-gnus-open. Yes, but this would be link based, instead of "per search" which is what I was considering. But maybe that is actually not necessary. I'll give this one a little more thought. Regards, Georg -- Georg C. F. Greve Free Software Foundation Europe (http://fsfeurope.org) Join the Fellowship and protect your freedom! (http://www.fsfe.org) What everyone should know about DRM (http://DRM.info)