From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: Robert Horn Subject: font bug in 0.9.16 Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 21:06:40 -0500 Message-ID: References: <87k2mzmg1b.fsf@Rainer.invalid> <87powpy0ck.fsf@Rainer.invalid> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Return-path: Received: from ([2001:4830:134:3::10]:49253) by with esmtp (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from ) id 1aNteD-0002NE-W1 for; Mon, 25 Jan 2016 21:46:27 -0500 Received: from Debian-exim by with spam-scanned (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from ) id 1aNteA-0001DV-ON for; Mon, 25 Jan 2016 21:46:25 -0500 Received: from ([]:51265) by with esmtp (Exim 4.71) (envelope-from ) id 1aNteA-0001DM-K3 for; Mon, 25 Jan 2016 21:46:22 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 87643C9C1 for ; Mon, 25 Jan 2016 21:06:42 -0500 (EST) Received: from quad ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 3151417465 for ; Mon, 25 Jan 2016 21:06:41 -0500 (EST) In-reply-to: <87powpy0ck.fsf@Rainer.invalid> List-Id: "General discussions about Org-mode." List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Errors-To: Sender: To: I just tried 0.9.16 by 1) clone from github 2) git checkout v0.9.16 3) make install 4) start fresh emacs 5) M-x mu4e 6) "bt" when displaying a non-empty headers from search (e.g., "bt" or "bu" when unread mail is present, I get the following Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function add-face-text-property) add-face-text-property(0 63 mu4e-header-face t #("08:31:05 PM S = Robert Horn + testing" 0 11 (help-echo "Mon 25 Jan 2016 = 08:31:05 PM EST") 13 14 (help-echo "(seen)"))) mu4e~headers-line-apply-flag-face((:docid 163426 :thread (:path "00" :lev= el 0 :has-child t) :subject "testing" :from (("Robert Horn" . "rjhorn@alum.=")) :to ((nil . "")) :date (22182 52313 0) :size = 284 :message-id "" :path "/home/other-disk/hornr= j/mail/sent/cur/20160125-a57c19-quad:2,S" :maildir "/sent" :priority normal= :flags (seen)) #("08:31:05 PM S Robert Horn + = testing" 0 11 (help-echo "Mon 25 Jan 2016 08:31:05 PM EST") 13 14 (help-ech= o "(seen)"))) mu4e~headers-line-handler((:docid 163426 :thread (:path "00" :level 0 :ha= s-child t) :subject "testing" :from (("Robert Horn" . ""= )) :to ((nil . "")) :date (22182 52313 0) :size 284 :mes= sage-id "" :path "/home/other-disk/hornrj/mail/s= ent/cur/20160125-a57c19-quad:2,S" :maildir "/sent" :priority normal :flags = (seen)) #("08:31:05 PM S Robert Horn + testing"= 0 11 (help-echo "Mon 25 Jan 2016 08:31:05 PM EST") 13 14 (help-echo "(seen= )"))) mu4e~headers-header-handler((:docid 163426 :thread (:path "00" :level 0 := has-child t) :subject "testing" :from (("Robert Horn" . " u")) :to ((nil . "")) :date (22182 52313 0) :size 284 :m= essage-id "" :path "/home/other-disk/hornrj/mail= /sent/cur/20160125-a57c19-quad:2,S" :maildir "/sent" :priority normal :flag= s (seen))) byte-code("\306 \205=01\307\310\311 #\210\312 \313\"\203=00\n !\210\202= =01\312 \314\"\203+=0B\312 \314\"!\210\202=01\312 \315\"\203<\f\312 \315\"!= \210\202=01\312 \316\"\203I=0D \210\202=01\312 \317\"\203_=0E&\312 \320\"\3= 12 \321\"\"\210\202=01\312 \322\"\203q=0E'\312 \323\"!\210\202=01\324 \325\= "\203\203=0E(\312 \325\"!\210\202=01\312 \326\"\203\231=0E)\312 \326\"\312 = \327\"\"\210\202=01\312 \330\"\203\253=0E*\312 \330\"!\210\202=01\312 \331\= "\203\305=0E+\312 \331\"\312 \332\"\312 \333\"#\210\202=01\312 \334\"\203\3= 43=0E,\312 \334\"\312 \335\"\312 \320\"\312 \336\"$\210\202=01\312 \337\"\2= 03\362=0E- !\210\202=01\312 \340\"\203=0E.\312 \340\"\312 \341\"\"\210\202= =01\342\343 \"\210\306\344\345\217\211\204=00\306)\207" [inhibit-quit sexp = mu4e-header-func mu4e-found-func mu4e-view-func mu4e-erase-func nil mu4e-lo= g from-server "%S" plist-get :date :found :view :erase :sent :docid :path := pong :props plist-member :contacts :update :move :remove :compose :original= :include :temp :what :param :info :error :message mu4e-message "Unexpected= data from server [%S]" (byte-code "\305 \"\306\211=1B\211\205;\307\310\31= 1 \"\312\" G=0B\313\225\\Y\205; \313\225\306O\314\315 \313=0BO\316\317#!\21= 1\205; =0B\306O\n@+\207" [mu4e~cookie-matcher-rx mu4e~proc-buf objcons sexp= -len b string-match nil string-to-number match-string 1 16 0 read-from-stri= ng decode-coding-string utf-8 t] 6) ((error)) mu4e-sent-func mu4e-pong-func= mu4e-contacts-func mu4e-update-func mu4e-remove-func mu4e-compose-func mu4= e-temp-func mu4e-info-func mu4e-error-func] 8) mu4e~proc-filter(# "\376172\377(\n :docid 163426\n :thread (:path \"00\" :level 0 :has-child t)\n :subject \"testing\"\n :from ((\"Robert Horn\" . \"\"))\n :to ((nil . \"\"))\n :date (22182 52313 0)\n :size 284\n :message-id \"\"\n :path \"/home/other-disk/hornrj/mail/sent/cur/20160125-a57c19-quad:2,S\"\n :maildir \"/sent\"\n :priority normal\n :flags (seen)\n)\n\n\376199\377(\n :docid 163427\n :thread (:path \"00:00\" :level 1 :first-child t :duplicate t)\n :subject \"testing\"\n :from ((\"Robert Horn\" . \"\"))\n :to ((nil . \"\"))\n :date (22182 52313 0)\n :size 3273\n :message-id \"\"\n :path \"/home/other-disk/hornrj/mail/inbox.maildir/cur/1453771891.9988_0.quad:2= ,S\"\n :maildir \"/inbox.maildir\"\n :priority normal\n :flags (seen)\n)\n\n\37618e\377(\n :docid 163424\n :thread (:path \"01\" :level 0)\n :subject \"testing\"\n :from ((nil . \"\"))\n :to ((nil . \"\"))\n :date (22182 51457 0)\n :size 874\n=09 ... long list of other emails headers etc. removed. There is no problem when using v0.9.13 (the next earlier tag). This is using Emacs 24.3.1 on Linux. R Horn --=20 Sent with my mu4e