Hello, I would like to create a block used to typeset the results of evaluation of code when exporting to latex. This is what I currently tried: #+latex_header: \usepackage{fancyvrb} #+latex_header: \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{myres}{Verbatim}{fontsize=\scriptsize,frame=\topline} then I have this property set :PROPERTIES: :header-args:js: :wrap "myres" :results output :exports both :END: Now every js source block is correctly evaluated to the correct environment: #+name: with_example #+begin_src js var x = 1 var f = function(o){ with(o){ return x } } var o2 = { x : 2 } var o3 = { x : 3 } console.log("f({}) = " + f({}) + ", f(o2) = " + f(o2) + ", f(o3) = " + f(o3)) #+end_src #+results: with_example #+BEGIN_myres f({}) = 1, f(o2) = 2, f(o3) = 3 #+END_myres Unfortunately something happens during the export to latex: the contents of myres are parsed. Here is the generated latex code: \begin{minted}[frame=leftline,fontsize=\scriptsize]{js} var x = 1 var f = function(o){ with(o){ return x } } var o2 = { x : 2 } var o3 = { x : 3 } console.log("f({}) = " + f({}) + ", f(o2) = " + f(o2) + ", f(o3) = " + f(o3)) \end{minted} \begin{myres} f(\{\}) = 1, f(o2) = 2, f(o3) = 3 \end{myres} Is there a way to tell org to leave the contents of myres blocks as-is? Can I declare myres as a literal block? Thanks, Alan -- OpenPGP Key ID : 040D0A3B4ED2E5C7 Weekly CO₂ average (2015-05-30, Mauna Loa Observatory): 403.41 ppm