Hello, On 2016-02-23 11:37, Alan Schmitt writes: > When exporting this source block to beamer > > #+header: :file (by-backend (beamer "foldleft.tikz") (t "foldleft.png")) > #+header: :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions -geometry 800 > #+header: :results file raw > #+header: :headers '("\\usepackage{tikz}") > #+begin_src latex > \usetikzlibrary{matrix,arrows} > \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2, every node/.style={transform shape}] > \matrix (m) [matrix of nodes, row sep=2em, column sep=3em] > { & $[x_1;$ & $x_2;$ & $\ldots;$ & $x_n]$ & \\ > $acc$ & \node (f1) [circle, draw] {$f$}; & \node (f2) [circle,draw] {$f$}; & & \node (fn) [circle,draw] {$f$}; & \texttt{fold\_left } $f$ \; $acc$ \; $[x_1; x_2; \ldots; x_n]$\\ > }; > \draw (m-2-1) edge[->,thick] (f1); > \draw (f1) edge[->,thick] (f2); > \draw (f2) edge[->,thick,dotted] (fn); > \draw (fn) edge[->,thick] (m-2-6); > \draw (m-1-2) edge[->,thick] (f1); > \draw (m-1-3) edge[->,thick] (f2); > \draw (m-1-5) edge[->,thick] (fn); > \end{tikzpicture} > #+end_src > > I get the following > > \resizebox{.9\linewidth}{!}{\input{foldleft.tikz}} > > How can I change the parameter of the resizebox command? I tried adding > a line > #+attr_latex :width \linewidth > as I usually do for images, but it is not taken into account. I've found a workaround: I add #+name: foldleft before the block, and then I can put the attr_latex before an explicit result block: #+attr_latex: :width \linewidth #+results: foldleft Alan -- OpenPGP Key ID : 040D0A3B4ED2E5C7 Monthly Athmospheric CO₂ (2016-01, Mauna Loa Obs.): 402.52