Rainer Hansen writes: > I wonder what is the best way to create a blog for a company website > with Orgmode. I do not want to use a static web site generator. The > design of the web site is relying on Bootstrap and customs CSS. Just curious, why does wanting to use Bootstrap rule out an Org-based static site generator for you? I'm slowly developing just such a beast. It Works For Me(TM) but is still a bit raw for others unless they can deal with some Python hacking and spotty documentation. > It should be easy to setup and to maintain for me? I think maybe you can better define what you mean by "easy"? In the end, developing my own generator was easier than trying to adapt existing ones. There are a lot of great ones out there, especially if you expand to allow Markdown ones (either native authoring or using Org's Markdown export), but none do exactly what I wanted. -Brett.