Hi, I have some shell command line program that spits out JSON. I want Org execute that command from a source block (of type "sh") and have the result displayed as another source block of type "json". I can almost get all that working except the resulting block is also of type "sh": I have: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports both :format json :results value code echo '{"foo":"bar", "baz":"quax"}' #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: #+BEGIN_SRC sh {"foo":"bar", "baz":"quax"} #+END_SRC But, instead, I want the result: #+RESULTS: #+BEGIN_SRC json {"foo":"bar", "baz":"quax"} #+END_SRC Is there some arg to the initial source block which I'm missing? I guessed with that ":format json" arg. With or without it makes no difference. Thanks! -Brett.