First of all I'd like to say that I find orgmode great. I'd been looking for a tool like this for years.
I have a french version of windows so when I set a timestamp on an item with C-c >, I get the timestamp in french.
I'd like to get it in english.
I've tried setting the language environment to english through the menu
(options/mule/set language environment) but it makes no difference.
In a previous mail of this mailing list
(http://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg03064.html), it
is mentioned that this depends on the variable system-time-locale.
How can I set system-time-locale to english permanently in my emacs init file? ( I'm a newbie to emacs)
I've tried the following, but it doesnt work:
(set-locale-environment English)
(system-time-locale English)
Thanks very much.