Hi I am trying to apply a function to one column in a table and output the result to another column. The function looks like this: (defun yahoo (stock_symbol) (let (url contents fields price-string price) (setf url "http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=") (str+! url stock_symbol) (str+! url "&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv") (setf contents (http-get url)) (setf fields (split-sequence #\, contents)) (setf price-string (second fields)) (setf price (read-from-string price-string)) price)) This table looks like this: | ! | stockname | symbol | shares | curr_price | | 1 | apple | aapl | 800 | | | 2 | google | goog | 2100 | | #+TBLFM: $5= yahoo $3 (I'm using org 6.06b, gnu emacs 22.2 on a mac.) I have tried some other variants without success. Is this even possible? Thanks! -- Charles L. Snyder, MD Professor of Surgery www.clsnyder.com