Dear list,

I stumbled on the conversion of an HTML Babel export block to a "normal" Babel output. What follows is the verbatim transcript of an org file explaining and demonstrating the problem :

# Attempt to use emacs-jupyter to insert Dyalog APL org-src blocks. 
#+options: author:nil toc:nil
#+latex_compiler: lualatex
#+latex_header: \usepackage{minted}
#+latex_header: \usepackage{fontspec}
#+latex_header: \setmonofont{Unifont}

#+property: header-args:jupyter-apl :kernel dyalog-kernel :session pa

I want to use APL `src` blocks in an Org document. This can be done by using
[[][Dyalog APL]] interpreter though
[[][jupyter-emacs]] and the Dyalog
[[][jupyter kernel]].

This apparently works :

#+begin_src jupyter-apl :exports both :results replace

#+begin_export html
<pre class="language-APL">1 2 3 4 5 6 7

But, no matter what I try to use as parameters, Dyalog's kernel returns an HTML block, which exports to HTML
successfully (of course) but /not/ to LaTeX nor `.odt`/`docx` or even `Unicode text`. A glimpse at the
kernel's source code (partially in APL, beware !) suggests that's a /feature/ of this kernel, which returns
either HTML or graphics (which I didn't (yet) attempt to use).

I then attempted to work around this (mis)feature by converting the HTML block to text, using this
[[][suggestion]] :

#+name: html2text
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data="<pre></pre>" :exports code :results silent
    (insert data)
    (shr-render-region (point-min) (point-max))
    (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))

#+RESULTS: html2text

The conversion works fine :

#+begin_src jupyter-apl :exports both :results raw :post html2text(data=*this*)

#+begin_export html 

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

but what /enrages/ me is that the (correct) result is still wrapped in an HTML block ; again, I have been
unable to obtain a "normal" output.

Can someone suggest a way to transform an HTML export block to a normal output ?

Source file and various exports enclosed (HTML is correct, the other ones not).

The question still holds...