Hi Adam, On Oct 16, 2007, at 18:20, Adam Spiers wrote: > Another approach, and this is my personal preference, would be to > allow "sub-keymaps", so that e.g. I could press C-c C-a s and it would > present me with a further menu of single keystrokes bound to custom > agenda commands: > > C-c C-a s 1 search for :sub10: (10 minute tasks) > C-c C-a s 2 search for :sub120: (2 hour tasks) > C-c C-a s 3 search for :sub30: (30 minute tasks) > C-c C-a s 4 search for :sub40: (4 hour tasks) > > etc. I think this is an interesting idea. Now here is something interesting: When I have implemented the various interfaces where you use single keys to select something, I usually implemented the customization so that people have to configure *characters*. For some inexplicable reason, in org-agenda-custom commands it is strings, so that it is actually easy to extend this. So I tried on the train today. The change is not trivial, so I was wondering if you would like to do somme beta testing before this gets out into the wild: Assuming you will, I am attaching my development version. What you can do here: - Add a desscription string after the key, like (setq org-agenda-custom-commands '(("x" "My power cmd" tags-todo .....))) - Use keys that are more that one character, the first characters become prefix characters. Like (setq org-agenda-custom-commands '(("ha" nil tags "+HOME+Adam") ("hb" nil tags "+HOME+Bastien") ("hc" nil tags "+HOME+Carsten"))) I would be interested if this is all stimm compatible with your previous customization (it should be) and if you indeed find it useful. Thanks. - Carsten