Hi all, I'm new to this list and joined in order to submit the attached tiny patch. As per https://orgmode.org/manual/Column-attributes.html I'm using range durations to express effort estimations. Those get summarized nicely in column views, using the {est+} summarizer. But when I access an agenda view that encounters a task that has such a range duration directly set, the agenda chokes with an error message: org-duration-to-minutes: Invalid duration format: "1d-2d" Attached patch fixes that error, by 1. Just before throwing that error, checking if this is potentially a range duration, of two durations separated by a "-" 2. If so, split the range into two separate and durations, convert each of those to minutes, and take the average. The patch doesn't use a fancy regexp. Instead, it recurses into org-duration-to-minutes and reapplies all sanity checks on the constituent low/high durations. If you have two valid durations connected by a dash (and optionally whitespace), that's a valid range duration, and it will be expressed as a float. If not, you'll hit the error fallback directly below. Applying this patch fixes my agenda view when using range durations. Since the actual code change is just 2 lines, I opted to forego the FSF copyright assignment caroussel by marking this a TINYCHANGE. Patch is based off e269942a353965dd8bdad57741adc9c53116a08a which is my current Doom Emacs checkout of https://github.com/emacs-straight/org-mode. I hope that's fine. Kind regards, Guido. -- Guido Stevens | Cosent | https://cosent.nl s o c i a l k n o w l e d g e t e c h n o l o g y