I have a table like this one:

| a |  b | c |
| a |  2 | 2 |
| b |  3 | 7 |
| c | -3 | 4 |
| d |  5 | 9 |
#+TBLFM: $3=$2+@-1::@2$3=$2

Now, I want the value in column c in every row to be the sum of column b so far. I try to achieve this by writing a column formula for column $3 and a cell formula for cell @2$3. Note that cell @3$3 is incorrect whereas all the other are correct. I have tried different formulas and values, and it seems like the incorrect cell is the sum of three cells instead of two as intended. @2$2 wasn't supposed to be part of the sum. Am I doing something incorrectly here?
