Hi, I have been trying to export SVG images having links to CSS from Org to HTML and I have found that the this CSS is not active in Firefox (only browser I tried). I have found that the CCS is only active under two conditions: 1. The HTML page should manage the CSS that the SVG image links to. 2. The SVG image should be embedded in the HTML page. I wrote an ox-html derived export backend to embed SVG images: https://forge.chapril.org/gav451/emacs.d/src/branch/main/site-lisp/ox-my-html/ox-my-html.el and merged the SVG embedding functionality into ox-html.el leading to the attached patch. I have included an MWE below and I attached mwe.org and mwe.html with doc8.svg and style8.svg (showing a flower and chosen for the visual impact). You will get an M-non-WE after exporting mwe.org using ox-html on the main branch. # begin MWE #+title: SVG and CSS MWE with patch or with ox-my-html backend #+HTML_DOCTYPE: html5 #+HTML_HEAD: #+OPTIONS: ^:{} toc:nil html-embed-svg:nil # The next line overrules html-embed-svg:t #+HTML_EMBED_SVG_EXCLUDES: ./doc8.svg # The next line overrules html-embed-svg:nil #+HTML_EMBED_SVG_INCLUDES: ./doc8.svg [[https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/SVG_and_CSS][SVG and CSS (MDN)]] is the origin of the files =doc8.svg= and =style8.css=. Open =doc8.svg= and =mwe.html= in Firefox to compare hovering over the flower. The flower is fully black in case of an M-non-WE or in case of HTML export without patch or without ox-my-html backend. #+CAPTION: Is MWE with SVG embedding *and* with HTML_HEAD managing #+CAPTION: the CSS. Becomes an M-non-WE without SVG embedding or #+CAPTION: without HTML_HEAD managing the CSS. [[./doc8.svg]] # end MWE Best regards -- Gerard