Something I've been working on and am continuing to work on is kinda a middleware script like what you're doing. It's in python now - and have a few who contacted me personally who are interested in this once I get the refactor complete.
Basically what I've done is try to merge stuff in from our Redmine system here (Redmine is another ticket tracking system). The workflow I came up with, at least for the script is:
1. Query redmine, get all my assigned issues.
2. Open the org file, read and parse through everything in there (currently it goes for the dates that I have for scheduled, and I want to eventually get it so that all the notes as well as time logging will be captured too.
3. Merge the two sources together (I use two hashed arrays, basically it's something like array[ISSUEID] = array, where the second array contain inforamtion such as the title, project, due date, date scheduled, etc). I use rules such as that the deadlines are determined in the Redmine system, so that takes priority over my due date - but the date scheduled would be captured, and the state (TODO/DONE/ETC). The status is determined, currently, within Redmine - I haven't figured out a good way yet on dealing with that yet.
Kinda on my wishlist:
1. A "postback" to Redmine, say I update the status to complete, I wouldn't mind if there was a good way to push that information to redmine, using my comments in my ticket to add perhaps - or maybe allowing for a certain type of tag.
2. To handle notes, the checked sub-items that can occur, etc.
It's still a work in progress, but part of my work is to try and allow a more pluggable system so that other ticket management systems can be represented.
Still working on the refactoring..let me know if this interests you at all.
Thanks for the info. I will have to digest this and see if it
One concern I have with this approach (and I may not have fully
grasped what you intended) is that the original source files have
the current information like deadlines, etc that I want used
when creating my agenda for the week. If I want more information
about the agenda item I will navigate to it and hit <Return> which
takes me to the generated Org file. Once there, I would like to
be able to add notes as necessary.
Alternatively, I suppose I could navigate to the notes if there is
a simple mechanism for this. I don't really understand all you
described below but I will try playing with it and see what comes
* Samuel Wales wrote (on 2/5/2009 2:40 PM):
IIUC, source is not under your complete control. You need it orgified
but also annotated. There are various annotation mechanisms. My
comments on the remember redesign might be relevant.
You could consider going backward. Have your org file contain links
to the read-only stuff. Put entry IDs in the read-only stuff.
Dunno if this helps.
Here is something I had lying around:
Another feature is to have org-registry show on the mode
line when a link points to the current buffer's object (w3m
page, file, dired, etc.). You click on it to go to the org
file link. See my remember suggestions in a previous thred
for more re annotations, bookmarks, and registry.
I proposed this before:
=== snip
Extension #2 to the bookmark idea.
My idea is to always have annotations available for
emacs-w3m, dired, files, like org-annotate-file, just with
more modes.
You can see in the mode line that whatever buffer you are in
has an annotation, and you can make an annotation. You can
also go to the annotation.
The annotations are stored in an org file anywhere in the
hierarchy. Thus, if you want, annotations on a doctor's web
site can be stored in the entry for that doctor that is in
your org file. If you visit that web site from any source,
even Google, the mode line says that it is annotated. Then
you can pull up that entry with a command.
Likewise with files or dired or whatever. For example, you
can comment org.el or /etc/passwd without having to modify
Remember code seems a plausible place to arrange for
choosing a location and putting a note into it. Annotations
are like bookmarks with text that also go the other
direction. It's natural to combine the idea of a bookmark
and the idea of an annotation.
You might want the mode line to say "there is bookmark to
this (web page, file, etc.)" as one character and "there is
a text note about this" as another character. Thus, if you
have annotated a file and the file is unmodified, you will
see "-u:--!!" and if you have merely bookmarked the location
without commenting on it, then you will see "-u:--!-".
=== snip
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