I'm still sorting through how I will use this. I have settled (for now) on project specific .org files as I just can't bring myself to have everything in one file alone, even if that is what will eventually be what I do.

I'm fine with this, but it is crucial for me to be able to export to html or pdf for printing purposes. So... take two project files to start as an example: 1.org and 2.org

My current structure for each project looks like this (I'm in R&D):

* Background
Description of the project, it's status when it came to us, where it's going, aims/goals, etc.

* Journals
Notes and todos all go here in this format (one per day)
**<Timestamp day1>
What I did that day
**<Timestamp day2>

* Ideas
Random ideas that perhaps don't fit in the journal entry... I very well may ditch this section as I need my ideas exported and I'm sure to export the journals so I may just include this in the journals as the day goes on.

So... 1.org and 2. org will be like this. The problem is that when I export I want the output to look like this:

*<Timestamp day1>
**Activity for project 1 on day 1 here
**Activity for project2 on day 1 here
*<Timestamp day2>
**Activity for project 1 on day 2 here
**Activity for project2 on day 2 here

This way, I export chronologically such that all activity on any day covers all the projects I touched that day. Then I print them and tape them in a notebook for Intellectual Property purposes and have my printouts witnessed. This has currently worked great via TiddlyWiki since I create one journal per day with all projects. There has to be a way to do this in org-mode. I think it's just a simple agenda view export, right?

In the end, it's not the true 'double entry' that is the issue, as agenda is basically doing that. This is what my TiddlyWiki is doing -- it's not actually allowing me to edit the same information in two places, it just creates a view in a journal and the same text in a project. Agenda seems like it's doing the same thing. It's hunting for text based on tags or timestamps or properties and then recreating all those that match in a different view. I should be able to create a view of one day's activities, print it, then pull up the next day's, print it, etc.


On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Haroldo Stenger <haroldo.stenger@gmail.com> wrote:
hi ,

2010/3/19 Jan Böcker <jan.boecker@jboecker.de>:
> generated the project specific ones automatically from that. The normal
> Org approach is to go the opposite direction: you edit your project
> files directly and use the agenda to view tasks (and notes, if you
> include an active timestamp in them or tell the agenda to show inactive
> timestamps) by date in daily, weekly or monthly views.

Combining these two posibilities , I wondered myself whether it would
we useful to have a org-mode tree-like "view" of the agenda view , and
other reports. Something like a text generator that bases its output
on agenda output , and renders or re-renders output based on agenda
view. If someone comments on it , I'd be wishful to start hacking it ,
up to my knowledge, which is lispy to some extend (a common-lisp
background, and little elisp yet.)

best regards ,