Hello, org-refile and org-capture failed to byte-compile by emacs from git (commit: 8c8093aa6f20a7a4f3799cbdb9270cac013ef71d) with following messages: ... Compiling /home/vladimir/pkgs/emacs-org-mode/src/emacs-org-mode/lisp/org-capture.el... In toplevel form: org-capture.el:1455:12: Error: Wrong number of arguments: (1 . 2), 4 ... Compiling /home/vladimir/pkgs/emacs-org-mode/src/emacs-org-mode/lisp/org-refile.el... In toplevel form: org-refile.el:566:17: Error: Wrong number of arguments: (1 . 2), 4 ... I also see this warning: ... Compiling /home/vladimir/pkgs/emacs-org-mode/src/emacs-org-mode/lisp/org-agenda.el... org-refile.el: Warning: Error: %S org-refile.el: Warning: Error: %S ... but not sure if it is related to above errors. P.S. I tried the latest git commit (ef66660cf495b2bc6a4eb5b3c21e26d9df8c7577). --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- I come from a small town whose population never changed. Each time a woman got pregnant, someone left town. -- Michael Prichard