"It is not necessary to include the class statement or define a main method. ob-java will wrap a source code block in boilerplate class and main method definitions if they are omitted. If :classname and the class definition in the source code block are both omitted, the class will be named Main."
The following example is provided:
#+begin_src java :results output
System.out.print("hello, world");
This returns error "can't compile a java block without a classname." This contradicts the documentation.
This has been duplicated on Gentoo and Ubuntu 20.04 in Emacs version 27.2. org version 9.4.4, 9.4.6 and 26.3 9.1.9 using the following .emacs.el:
(require 'org)
(java . t)
The documentation appears to be outdated or misleading, or missing some crucial piece of information that a newbie needs to be aware of. Please advise on whether this is a bug and how to fix it. I am new to using the mailing list.
Upgrading to 9.4.6 did not fix this