> On Oct 31, 2017, at 5:32 PM, Kaushal Modi wrote: > > On Tue, Oct 31, 2017, 7:14 PM David Rogoff > wrote: > Hi. > > Hello. > > I’m trying to clean it up by using orgmode macros. However, it seems like these are not replaced when inside code blocks. > > Do you have a minimal example of what you'd like to "macrofy" in the verilog code blocks? Pretty simple text substitution. Something like this: #+MACRO: SEC_HDR1 // --------------------------- #+MACRO: SEC_HDR2 // #+MACRO: SEC_TITLE This section declares local types and constants * File 1 ** Section 1: {{{SEC_TITLE}}} #+BEGIN_SRC verilog {{{SEC_HDR1}}} {{{SEC_HDR2}}} {{{SEC_TITLE}}} parameter A = 1; #+END_SRC So SEC_TITLE expands in the headline and also as a comment in the tangled verilog code. It would be really great to be able to embed newlines in the macro to it could be one line / macro in the src block. > > Probably the solution is to use noweb references with arguments? See the Org manual. Thanks - I’ll have to look into noweb. I’m not familiar with it. David