
thank you very much for your helpful suggestions! After loading ob-lilypond.el, test-ob-lilypond.el and org-test.el from the git repo 38/42 tests passed. After I also loaded ob-org.el (git-repo) only one test failed. So I guess my org-mode version 8.2.7b (installed via elpa) is too old???  I tried to install the latest version from the git repo following the instructions at  But M-x org-version still returns org-mode version 8.2.7b. Do I have to get rid of the elpa-versions of org-mode. If yes, what’s the best way to do so?

Thanks a million!
On 29.03.2015, at 23:27, Nick Dokos <> wrote:

pls <> writes:

Hey all,

looks like I’m having quite a few problems with ob-lilypond (Org-mode version 8.2.7b).
To ensure that my setup is correct I ran the tests mentioned on

   M-x load-file RET ~/path/to/current/org-mode-git-repository/testing/lisp/
   M-x ert RET RET

And this is what I got (short version):

   Selector: t
   Passed: 6
   Failed: 36 (36 unexpected)
   Total:  42/42

   Started at:   2015-03-25 13:32:19+0100
   Finished at:  2015-03-25 13:32:19+0100


Am I missing something? How can I get this to work?

Probably missing a load-file: in addition to ob-lilypond.el
and test-ob-lilypond.el, you need to load org-test.el (which
is in the testing subdir of the git repo).

With those three loaded (in addition to org-mode itself of course), all
42 tests pass in my setup:

Org-mode version 8.3beta (release_8.3beta-882-gf8731e @
