
I plan to create new course materials for teaching at university level.

These materials should contain 
- a printable course script
- an interactive web-course
- lecture slides  
- exercises
- exams

I'm looking for a system which enables me to keep all materials together and to reuse as much as possible the same source files.

E.g., for a particular topic, I would love to create all the above materials within a single file. This would help me to keep it among all materials coherent, correct errors and do updates effectively and save (hopefully) a lot of time.

I was looking into different directions like using HTML5, LaTeX, etc. However, I didn't find a perfect solution yet. I know many of you do  similar work and hence, I really would love to hear about any ideas, tricks, systems or solutions.

Furthermore, I wonder how much I could use org-mode (to make this thread not off-topic ;)) to solve the above task.

