Hi, I have a tables like this: #+TBLNAME: tablename | a | b |c | d | | 1 | 2 |3 |4 | | z | x | y |w| #+TBLNAME: othertablename | a | b |c | d | | 1 | 2 |3 |4 | | z | x | y |w| I have the following code block #+name: test #+begin_src python :var table=tablename :exports results import numpy as np tab = np.array(table) return np.array([tab[:,1], tab[:,-1]]).T #+end_src If I call that function the result is correct However using #+CALL: aushang[:var table=othertablename]() :exports results or #+CALL: aushang(table=othertablename) :exports results does not work. It seem the babel block does not get the table but something else in case its called by #+CALL:. In general, how-to refer to a table in #+CALL blocks? On a similar line: I used $PROP_name to use property values within the sbe function. However, how to use the same property as input to a code-block? +begin_src python :var x=$PROP_name :exports results and +begin_src python :var x=name :exports results did not work Any ideas? Thanks Torsten