Dear Dieter Wilhelm,

I do not know a way to change the standard properties for a #+CALL construct.
However, we recently discussed a problems with tables and source code calls.
Sebastien pointed to the following variables.

 ((:session . "none") (:results . "replace") (:exports . "code") (:cache . "no") (:noweb . "no") (:hlines . "no") (:tangle . "no") (:padnewline . "yes"))

 org-babel-default-lob-header-args     ((:exports . "results"))                                                                                                                                

 org-babel-default-inline-header-args  ((:session . "none")(:results . "replace")(:exports . "results"))

You might want to change org-babel-default-lob-header-args to your needs.
That could be done in a small eslip code block within an org-file and might at least helps as a intermediate solution

All the best


On 24 July 2013 14:11, Dieter Wilhelm, H. <> wrote:
Dear (),

I've got a rather long argument list and it doesn't look good to
supply all the arguments in one line, could somebody please implement
#+header arguments for #+call like in the following example?

#+header: :var NO=(org-entry-get nil "Report_Dir")
#+header: :var DIR=(org-attach-dir)
#+call: ProvideReport()[:results silent]

By the way, is it still true that the number of #+header keywords for
code blocks is restricted to 5 #+header lines?  I think this is also
an unnecessary restriction.

Thank you very much

Best wishes

    H. Dieter Wilhelm
