Hi Tristan,
this feature request seems simple to implement on one side. However, it opens a question how to deal with those in general.
\ruby{東} is a very specific command of the CJK package.
If this get's implemented in the standard html exporter, other very special commands might need to follow. That could easily go into a nightmare. I do not have a detailed view how the exporters work now, thus, it is a interesting question I want to ask here: How should specific needs for exporting (like Tristans) be embedded in the future.
People could fork exporters. Creating e.g. a HTML-CJK exporter.
Even better would be to have exporter modules which could be loaded by users.
However, I believe that for many users, the special cases are not very frequent and complex. Might it be possible to create a very simple syntax for exporting rules which could be either in those above modules or directly within the file written by the user themself?
#+HTML_USER_RULE \ruby{$1}{$2}, <ruby> $1 <rp>(</rp><rt>$2</rt><rp>)</rp> <\ruby>
Would like to hear what other think about that.