From: Scott Otterson <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [BUG] org-element-cache error on file open [9.6 (9.6-g555dac @ /Users/scott/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2022 17:30:27 -0800 [thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 271023 bytes --]
When I open an org file, I get the following warning.
Warning (org-element-cache): org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.
The error was: (error "Invalid search bound (wrong side of point)")
I also notice that org-ref references are rendered in a strange way. For
example, a reference that used to render like so:
Lageras 2010: Copulas Markovian hard to do mixture
now looks like this
[[cite:Lageras10copulaMarkov][Lageras 2010: Copulas Markovian hard to do
The weird thing is that I don't see this on a Windows machine with the same
.emacs file, and emacs version.
Emacs : GNU Emacs 28.2 (build 1, x86_64-apple-darwin21.6.0, Carbon Version
165 AppKit 2113.6)
of 2022-09-14
Package: Org mode version 9.6 (9.6-g555dac @
current state:
org-link-elisp-confirm-function 'yes-or-no-p
org-directory "~/"
org-cite-insert-processor 'citar
org-roam-db-gc-threshold 50000000
org-ref-create-notes-hook '((lambda nil (org-narrow-to-subtree)
(format "cite:%s\n"
(org-entry-get (point) "CUSTOM_ID"))
org-ref-cite-keymap '(keymap
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in the
killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path (org-element-context)))
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car (org-ref-get-bibtex-key-and-file))))
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(kill-new (org-ref-format-bibtex-entry-at-point)))
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
org-hide-emphasis-markers t
org-bibtex-headline-format-function #[257 "\300 \236A\207" [:title] 3
"\n\n(fn ENTRY)"]
org-yank-adjusted-subtrees t
org-ref-open-notes-function '(lambda nil (org-show-entry)
(org-cycle '(64)) (recenter-top-bottom 0))
org-startup-align-all-tables t
org-roam-node-display-template "${title:80} ${tags:80}"
org-persist-after-read-hook '(org-element--cache-persist-after-read)
org-refile-targets '((nil :maxlevel . 6))
org-ref-open-pdf-function 'org-ref-open-pdf-at-point
org-roam-file-exclude-regexp '("data/" "logseq/")
org-export-before-parsing-hook '(org-attach-expand-links
org-cycle-tab-first-hook '(org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe
org-roam-find-file-hook '(org-roam-buffer--setup-redisplay-h
org-ref-bibtex-assoc-pdf-with-entry-move-function 'rename-file
org-archive-hook '(org-attach-archive-delete-maybe)
org-cite-follow-processor 'citar
org-file-apps '(("\\.docx\\'" . default) ("\\.mm\\'" . default)
("\\.x?html?\\'" . default) ("\\.pdf\\'" . default)
(auto-mode . emacs))
org-font-lock-hook '(org-inlinetask-fontify)
org-ascii-format-drawer-function #[771 " \207" [] 4 "\n\n(fn NAME CONTENTS
org-cycle-hook '(org-inlinetask-hide-tasks org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees
org-export-with-broken-links 'mark
org-persist-before-read-hook '(org-element--cache-persist-before-read)
org-font-lock-set-keywords-hook '(org-hidden-links-hook-function)
org-modules '(ol-bibtex ol-info org-inlinetask org-mouse ol-eshell ol-man
org-mouse org-protocol)
org-link-from-user-regexp nil
org-ref-notes-function 'org-ref-notes-function-one-file
org-image-actual-width nil
org-odd-levels-only t
org-mode-hook '(#[0
"\305 \306 >\203 �\307\n\310\311#\210\307
\312\313#\210\307 \314\315#\210\306
>\203,�\307\n\316\317#\210\307\n\320\321#\210\322 >\203>�\307
\323\324#\210\307 \325\324#\210\326
>\203_�\332\311\f\333BC\334#\210\335 >\203k�\332\311\336\334#\210\337
org-link mouse-face highlight keymap ,org-mouse-map)
(("^[ ]*\\([-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\) +"
`(face org-link keymap ,org-mouse-map mouse-face highlight)
(("^[ ]*\\(?:[-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\)[
]+\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?[0-9]+\\][ ]*\\)?\\(\\[[- X]\\]\\)"
`(face nil keymap ,org-mouse-map mouse-face highlight)
advice-add org-open-at-point :around
org-ref-org-menu wrap-region-mode org-autolist-mode
#[0 "\300\301\302\303\304$\207"
[add-hook change-major-mode-hook org-fold-show-all append
#[0 "\300\301\302\303\304$\207"
[add-hook change-major-mode-hook
append local]
org-babel-result-hide-spec org-babel-hide-all-hashes
org-ctrl-k-protect-subtree 'error
outline-minor-mode-hook '(outshine--outline-minor-mode-hook outshine-mode)
org-ref-bibliography-notes "/Users/scott/ref/org_roam/"
org-roam-ref-annotation-function 'org-roam-ref-read--annotation
org-roam-directory "~/ref/org_roam"
org-superstar-todo-bullet-alist '(("TODO" . 9646) ("DONE" . 9647))
org-latex-format-drawer-function #[514 "\207" [] 3 "\n\n(fn _ CONTENTS)"]
org-ellipsis "…"
org-roam-db-node-include-function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1]
org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
org-html-format-drawer-function #[514 "\207" [] 3 "\n\n(fn NAME CONTENTS)"]
outline-isearch-open-invisible-function 'outline-isearch-open-invisible
org-superstar-special-todo-items t
org-roam-dailies-directory "/Users/scott/ref/org_roam/daily"
org-odt-format-headline-function 'org-odt-format-headline-default-function
org-use-speed-commands t
org-ref-default-bibliography '("/Users/scott/OneDrive/share/ref/energy.bib"
org-agenda-mode-hook '(#[0
"\302 \303 \304\305#\210\303 \306\307#\210\303
\310\311#\210\303 \312\313#\210\303 \314\315#\207"
"\300 !\211\301\267\202 �\302\303!\207\304\303!\207\305\207"
(:left 9 :right 13)
org-agenda-earlier 1 org-agenda-later nil]
4 "\n\n(fn EVENT)" "e"]
org-roam-capture-preface-hook '(org-roam-dailies--override-capture-time-h
org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
org-capture-prepare-finalize-hook '(org-roam-capture--install-finalize-h)
org-roam-preview-function 'org-roam-preview-default-function
org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer
org-roam-db-autosync-mode t
org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
org-superstar-headline-bullets-list '("●" "■" "○" "►" "•" "□" "▸" "▫" "▹")
org-log-buffer-setup-hook '(org-roam-log--setup)
org-cite-activate-processor 'citar
org-hide-leading-stars t
org-ref-clean-bibtex-entry-hook '(org-ref-bibtex-format-url-if-doi
orcb-key-comma org-ref-replace-nonascii
orcb-& orcb-% org-ref-title-case-article
orcb-clean-year orcb-key orcb-clean-doi
orcb-clean-pages orcb-check-journal
org-roam-capture-new-node-hook '(org-roam-capture--insert-captured-ref-h)
org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-activate
org-ascii-format-inlinetask-function 'org-ascii-format-inlinetask-default
org-odt-format-drawer-function #[514 "\207" [] 3 "\n\n(fn NAME CONTENTS)"]
org-pandoc-options-for-docx '((standalone))
org-export-backends '(org odt latex html ascii)
org-fold-core-isearch-open-function 'org-fold--isearch-reveal
org-ref-clean-bibtex-key-function '(lambda (key)
(replace-regexp-in-string ":" "" key))
org-superstar-cycle-headline-bullets nil
org-persist-before-write-hook '(org-element--cache-persist-before-write)
org-tab-first-hook '(org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe
org-link-shell-confirm-function 'yes-or-no-p
org-ref-pdf-to-bibtex-function 'copy-file
org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer)
org-roam-completion-everywhere t
org-agenda-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region nil
org-cycle-include-plain-lists 'integrate
org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
org-roam-log-setup-hook '(org-roam--register-completion-functions-h)
org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe)
org-roam-node-annotation-function 'org-roam-node-read--annotation
org-link-parameters '(("man" :follow org-man-open :export org-man-export
:store org-man-store-link)
("eshell" :follow org-eshell-open :store
("info" :follow org-info-open :export org-info-export
:store org-info-store-link :insert-description
("roam" :follow org-roam-link-follow-link)
("attachment" :follow org-attach-follow :complete
("printindex" :follow org-ref-index :export
#[(path desc format)
" \301=\205 �\300\302!\207"
[format latex "\\printindex"] 2]
("index" :follow #[(path) "\301 !\207" [path occur]
#[(path desc format)
" \302=\205\n�\300\303 \"\207"
[format path latex "\\index{%s}"] 3]
("bibentry" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-bibentry :complete
org-bibentry-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Autocites" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Autocites :complete
org-Autocites-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("autocites" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-autocites :complete
org-autocites-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("supercites" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-supercites :complete
org-supercites-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Textcites" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Textcites :complete
org-Textcites-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("textcites" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-textcites :complete
org-textcites-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Smartcites" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Smartcites :complete
org-Smartcites-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("smartcites" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-smartcites :complete
org-smartcites-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("footcitetexts" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-footcitetexts :complete
org-footcitetexts-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("footcites" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-footcites :complete
org-footcites-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Parencites" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Parencites :complete
org-Parencites-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("parencites" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-parencites :complete
org-parencites-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Cites" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Cites :complete
org-Cites-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("cites" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-cites :complete
org-cites-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("fnotecite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-fnotecite :complete
org-fnotecite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Pnotecite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Pnotecite :complete
org-Pnotecite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("pnotecite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-pnotecite :complete
org-pnotecite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Notecite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Notecite :complete
org-Notecite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("notecite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-notecite :complete
org-notecite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("footfullcite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-footfullcite :complete
org-footfullcite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("fullcite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-fullcite :complete
org-fullcite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citeurl" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citeurl :complete
org-citeurl-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citedate*" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citedate* :complete
org-citedate*-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citedate" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citedate :complete
org-citedate-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citetitle*" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citetitle* :complete
org-citetitle*-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citetitle" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citetitle :complete
org-citetitle-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Citeauthor*" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Citeauthor* :complete
org-Citeauthor*-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Autocite*" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Autocite* :complete
org-Autocite*-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("autocite*" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-autocite* :complete
org-autocite*-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Autocite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Autocite :complete
org-Autocite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("autocite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-autocite :complete
org-autocite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("supercite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-supercite :complete
org-supercite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("parencite*" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-parencite* :complete
org-parencite*-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("cite*" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-cite* :complete
org-cite*-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Smartcite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Smartcite :complete
org-Smartcite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("smartcite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-smartcite :complete
org-smartcite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Textcite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Textcite :complete
org-Textcite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("textcite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-textcite :complete
org-textcite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("footcitetext" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-footcitetext :complete
org-footcitetext-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("footcite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-footcite :complete
org-footcite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Parencite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Parencite :complete
org-Parencite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("parencite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-parencite :complete
org-parencite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Cite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Cite :complete
org-Cite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Citeauthor" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Citeauthor :complete
org-Citeauthor-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Citealp" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Citealp :complete
org-Citealp-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Citealt" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Citealt :complete
org-Citealt-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Citep" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Citep :complete
org-Citep-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("Citet" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-Citet :complete
org-Citet-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citeyearpar" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citeyearpar :complete
org-citeyearpar-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citeyear*" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citeyear* :complete
org-citeyear*-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citeyear" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citeyear :complete
org-citeyear-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citeauthor*" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citeauthor* :complete
org-citeauthor*-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citeauthor" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citeauthor :complete
org-citeauthor-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citetext" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citetext :complete
org-citetext-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citenum" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citenum :complete
org-citenum-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citealp*" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citealp* :complete
org-citealp*-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citealp" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citealp :complete
org-citealp-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citealt*" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citealt* :complete
org-citealt*-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citealt" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citealt :complete
org-citealt-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citep*" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citep* :complete
org-citep*-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citep" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citep :complete
org-citep-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citet*" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citet* :complete
org-citet*-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("citet" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-citet :complete
org-citet-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("nocite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-nocite :complete
org-nocite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
("cite" :follow
(lambda (_)
(funcall org-ref-cite-onclick-function nil))
:export org-ref-format-cite :complete
org-cite-complete-link :help-echo
(lambda (window object position)
(when org-ref-show-citation-on-enter
(save-excursion (goto-char position)
(with-temp-buffer (insert s) (fill-paragraph)
:face org-ref-cite-link-face-fn :display full
(tab lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-insert-cite-function))
(S-up . org-ref-sort-citation-link)
(S-right lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link 1))
(S-left lambda nil (interactive)
(org-ref-swap-citation-link -1))
(C-right . org-ref-next-key)
(C-left . org-ref-previous-key)
(16777337 lambda nil
"Paste key at point. Assumes the first thing in
the killring is a key."
(org-ref-insert-key-at-point (car kill-ring)))
(16777303 lambda nil "Copy all the keys at point."
(org-element-property :path
(16777335 lambda nil (interactive)
(kill-new (car
(16777318 lambda nil (interactive)
(save-excursion (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777319 . org-ref-google-scholar-at-point)
(16777317 lambda nil "Email entry at point"
(interactive) (org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777315 . org-ref-wos-citing-at-point)
(16777330 . org-ref-wos-related-at-point)
(16777326 . org-ref-open-notes-at-point)
(16777328 lambda nil (interactive)
(funcall org-ref-open-pdf-function))
(16777333 . org-ref-open-url-at-point)
(16777314 . org-ref-open-citation-at-point)
(16777327 . org-ref-cite-hydra/body)
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-3 . org-find-file-at-mouse)
(mouse-2 . org-open-at-mouse))
:store org-ref-bibtex-store-link)
("Cref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export
org-ref-Cref-export :complete
#[(&optional arg) "\301 \302\"\207"
[arg org-ref-complete-link "Cref"] 3]
:face org-ref-ref-face-fn :help-echo
("cref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export
org-ref-cref-export :complete
#[(&optional arg) "\301 \302\"\207"
[arg org-ref-complete-link "cref"] 3]
:face org-ref-ref-face-fn :help-echo
("autoref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export
org-ref-autoref-export :complete
#[(&optional arg) "\301 \302\"\207"
[arg org-ref-complete-link "autoref"] 3]
:face org-ref-ref-face-fn :help-echo
("eqref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export
org-ref-eqref-export :complete
#[(&optional arg) "\301 \302\"\207"
[arg org-ref-complete-link "eqref"] 3]
:face org-ref-ref-face-fn :help-echo
("nameref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export
org-ref-export-nameref :complete
#[(&optional arg) "\301 \302\"\207"
[arg org-ref-complete-link "nameref"] 3]
:face org-ref-ref-face-fn :help-echo
("pageref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export
#[(path desc format)
" \302\267\202 �\300\303 \"\207\300\304
(html 6 latex 11)
"(<pageref>%s</pageref>)" "\\pageref{%s}" nil]
:face org-ref-ref-face-fn :complete
#[(&optional arg) "\301 \302\"\207"
[arg org-ref-complete-link "pageref"] 3]
:help-echo org-ref-ref-help-echo)
("ref" :follow org-ref-ref-follow :export
org-ref-ref-export :complete
#[(&optional arg) "\301 \302\"\207"
[arg org-ref-complete-link "ref"] 3]
:face org-ref-ref-face-fn :help-echo
("label" :follow
"\302 ! \303\304\305 \211\306U\204 � \307V\203
�\310\202 �\311#\302 !\")\207"
[label count org-ref-count-labels message format
"%s occurence%s" 0 1 "s" ""]
"On clicking count the number of label tags used
in the buffer.\nA number greater than one means multiple labels!"]
#[(keyword desc format)
" \302\267\202 �\300\303 \"\207\300\304
\"\207\300\305 \"\207\306\207"
(html 6 md 11 latex 16)
"<div id=\"%s\"></div>" "<a name=\"%s\"></a>"
"\\label{%s}" nil]
:store org-ref-label-store-link :face
org-ref-label-face-fn :help-echo
#[(window object position)
"\212 b\210\303 \304\305\306\" r\nq\210\307\216
c\210\310 \210\311 -\207"
" *temp*"
"\301 !\205 �\302 !\207"
[temp-buffer buffer-name kill-buffer]
fill-paragraph buffer-string]
("list-of-tables" :follow org-ref-list-of-tables
#[(keyword desc format)
" \301=\205 �\300\302!\207"
[format latex "\\listoftables"] 2]
("list-of-figures" :follow org-ref-list-of-figures
#[(keyword desc format)
" \301=\205 �\300\302!\207"
[format latex "\\listoffigures"] 2]
("addbibresource" :follow
#[(keyword desc format)
" \302\267\202 �\300\303!\207\300\304
(html 6 latex 10)
"" "\\addbibresource{%s}" nil]
("bibliographystyle" :export
#[(keyword desc format)
" \302=\204\f� \303=\203 �\300\304 \"\207\305\207"
[format keyword latex beamer
"\\bibliographystyle{%s}" ""]
("printbibliography" :follow
#[(keyword desc format)
" \302\267\202 �\303 \207\304 \207 \207\305\207"
[format org-ref-printbibliography-cmd #s
(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5
rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data
(org 6 html 9 latex 12))
org-ref-get-html-bibliography nil]
("nobibliography" :follow org-ref-open-bibliography
:export org-ref-nobibliography-format)
("bibliography" :follow org-ref-open-bibliography
:export org-ref-bibliography-format :complete
org-bibliography-complete-link :help-echo
#[(window object position)
"\212 b\210\303 \304\305\306\" r\nq\210\307\216
c\210\310 \210\311 -\207"
" *temp*"
"\301 !\205 �\302 !\207"
[temp-buffer buffer-name kill-buffer]
fill-paragraph buffer-string]
:face org-ref-bibliography-face-fn)
("Acp" :follow or-follow-acronym :face
org-ref-acronym-face-fn :help-echo
�\302\303\300A #\207\302\304 \226\"\207"
[("Acp" . "Glspl")
(latex beamer)
format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"]
7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("acp" :follow or-follow-acronym :face
org-ref-acronym-face-fn :help-echo
�\302\303\300A #\207\302\304 \226\"\207"
[("acp" . "glspl")
(latex beamer)
format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"]
7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("Ac" :follow or-follow-acronym :face
org-ref-acronym-face-fn :help-echo
�\302\303\300A #\207\302\304 \226\"\207"
[("Ac" . "Gls")
(latex beamer)
format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"]
7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("ac" :follow or-follow-acronym :face
org-ref-acronym-face-fn :help-echo
�\302\303\300A #\207\302\304 \226\"\207"
[("ac" . "gls")
(latex beamer)
format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"]
7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("acrfull" :follow or-follow-acronym :face
org-ref-acronym-face-fn :help-echo
�\302\303\300A #\207\302\304 \226\"\207"
[("acrfull" . "acrfull")
(latex beamer)
format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"]
7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("acrlong" :follow or-follow-acronym :face
org-ref-acronym-face-fn :help-echo
�\302\303\300A #\207\302\304 \226\"\207"
[("acrlong" . "acrlong")
(latex beamer)
format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"]
7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("acrshort" :follow or-follow-acronym :face
org-ref-acronym-face-fn :help-echo
�\302\303\300A #\207\302\304 \226\"\207"
[("acrshort" . "acrshort")
(latex beamer)
format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"]
7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("glslink" :follow or-follow-glossary :face
org-ref-glossary-face-fn :help-echo
or-glossary-tooltip :export
"\211\300>\203\f�\301\302 #\207\301\303 \"\207"
[(latex beamer) format "\\glslink{%s}{%s}" "%s"] 7
"\n\n(fn PATH DESC FORMAT)"]
("glsdesc" :follow or-follow-glossary :face
org-ref-glossary-face-fn :help-echo
or-glossary-tooltip :export
"\211\301>\203\f�\302\303\300 #\207\302\304
(latex beamer)
format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"]
7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("glssymbol" :follow or-follow-glossary :face
org-ref-glossary-face-fn :help-echo
or-glossary-tooltip :export
"\211\301>\203\f�\302\303\300 #\207\302\304
(latex beamer)
format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"]
7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("Glspl" :follow or-follow-glossary :face
org-ref-glossary-face-fn :help-echo
or-glossary-tooltip :export
"\211\301>\203\f�\302\303\300 #\207\302\304
(latex beamer)
format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"]
7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("Gls" :follow or-follow-glossary :face
org-ref-glossary-face-fn :help-echo
or-glossary-tooltip :export
"\211\301>\203\f�\302\303\300 #\207\302\304
(latex beamer)
format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"]
7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("glspl" :follow or-follow-glossary :face
org-ref-glossary-face-fn :help-echo
or-glossary-tooltip :export
"\211\301>\203\f�\302\303\300 #\207\302\304
(latex beamer)
format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"]
7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("gls" :follow or-follow-glossary :face
org-ref-glossary-face-fn :help-echo
or-glossary-tooltip :export
"\211\301>\203\f�\302\303\300 #\207\302\304
(latex beamer)
format "\\%s{%s}" "%s"]
7 "\n\n(fn PATH _ FORMAT)"]
("doi" :follow doi-link-menu :export
#[(doi desc format)
" \304\267\202 �\300\305 \n \206
�\306\nP$\207\300\307 \n \206 �\306\nP$\207\310\207"
(html 6 latex 19)
href=\"%s%s\">%s</a>" "doi:" "\\href{%s%s}{%s}" nil]
("bibtex" :follow org-bibtex-open :store
("zotero" :follow
(lambda (zpath)
(browse-url (format "zotero:%s" zpath)))
("id" :follow org-roam-id-open) ("file+sys")
("file+emacs") ("shell" :follow org-link--open-shell)
("news" :follow
#[514 "\301\300\302 Q \"\207"
["news" browse-url ":"] 6 "\n\n(fn URL ARG)"]
("mailto" :follow
#[514 "\301\300\302 Q \"\207"
["mailto" browse-url ":"] 6 "\n\n(fn URL ARG)"]
("https" :follow
#[514 "\301\300\302 Q \"\207"
["https" browse-url ":"] 6 "\n\n(fn URL ARG)"]
("http" :follow
#[514 "\301\300\302 Q \"\207"
["http" browse-url ":"] 6 "\n\n(fn URL ARG)"]
("ftp" :follow
#[514 "\301\300\302 Q \"\207" ["ftp" browse-url ":"]
6 "\n\n(fn URL ARG)"]
("help" :follow org-link--open-help :store
("file" :complete org-link-complete-file)
("elisp" :follow org-link--open-elisp))
org-roam-ui-browser-function 'browse-url
org-roam-capture-templates '(("d" "default" plain "%?" :if-new
(file+head "${slug}.org"
"#+title: ${title}\n#+SETUPFILE:
~/ref/tmp_papers_notes/\n* References
:unnarrowed t)
("i" "inbox" entry "* TODO %?\n" :target
(node "45acaadd-02fb-4b93-a741-45d37ff9fd5e")
:unnarrowed t :empty-lines-before 1
:empty-lines-after 1 :prepend t)
("r" "bibliography reference" plain "%?"
~/ref/tmp_papers_notes :if-new
"~/ref/tmp_papers_notes/refs/notes_${citekey}.org" "#+title: Notes on
${title}\n#+SETUPFILE: ~/ref/tmp_papers_notes/refs/ref/\n*
References :ignore:\n#+print_bibliography:")
:unnarrowed t)
("s" "short bibliography reference (no id)"
entry "* ${title} [cite:@%^{citekey}]\n%?"
(node "01af7246-1b2e-42a5-b8e7-68be9157241d")
:unnarrowed t :empty-lines-before 1 :prepend
org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
org-ref-get-pdf-filename-function 'org-ref-get-pdf-filename
org-latex-pdf-process '("latexmk -pdf -output-directory=%o -f %f")
org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil
org-occur-case-fold-search ''smart
org-table-header-line-p t
org-id-method 'ts
org-superstar-item-bullet-alist '((42 . 10043) (43 . 10011) (45 . 9644))
org-roam-indirect-buffer-hook '(org-roam--register-completion-functions-h)
org-ref-pdf-directory '("/Users/scott/OneDrive/share/ref/papers"
org-list-allow-alphabetical t
[-- Attachment #2: Type: text/html, Size: 599815 bytes --]
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Thread overview: 2+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2022-12-15 1:30 Scott Otterson [this message]
2022-12-15 8:16 ` [BUG] org-element-cache error on file open [9.6 (9.6-g555dac @ /Users/scott/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)] Ihor Radchenko
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