Thank you for your answer!

I may not have been specific enough:
I want the tags also inherited with this "method"

So imagine this in your configuration file

(setq org-tag-alist '((:startgrouptag)
                      ( Control)

So, if I put the "Control" tag, I am also supposed to have the "GTD" tag, because "Control" is a child of "GTD".

But, with the "org-get-tags" function, I don't have this famous "GTD" tag

Le dim. 28 août 2022 à 18:22, Juan Manuel Macías <> a écrit :
Cletip Cletip writes:

> After multiple searches on the internet, I did not find the answer to
> my question (which is the subject of this mail): when calling the
> "org-get-tags" function, only the tags put on the heading, and not the
> inherited tags, are retrieved. How can I get the inherited tags as
> well? Does such a function already exist? Did I miss an essential
> variable?

In my case, I do manage to get the iherited tags. Do you have
`org-use-tag-inheritance' set to non-nil?

According to the `org-get-tags' docstring:

> According to ‘org-use-tag-inheritance’, tags may be inherited from
> parent headlines, and from the whole document, through
> ‘org-file-tags’. In this case, the returned list of tags contains tags
> in this order: file tags, tags inherited from parent headlines, local
> tags. If a tag appears multiple times, only the most local tag is
> returned.


> However, when optional argument LOCAL is non-nil, only return tags
> specified at the headline.

Best regards,

Juan Manuel

Juan Manuel Macías