I love slidify too and I think that having similar functionnality in org could be great.
I think that you have everything to do that using the html backend, you just need to interface the right Javascript/HTML5 library.
In slidify you can use io2012, deck.js, shower and landslide and I know  that you can use deck.js through ox-deck and it will not be difficult to create and interface for other library too.
For example if you need a nice non Beamer library you can also check ox-reveal which interface reveal.js.

Here is a minimal example with R code.  (Make sure to have ox-reveal.el in your path and export using C-c C-e R R)

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 12:05 AM, John Hendy <jw.hendy@gmail.com> wrote:

I use R quite a bit, and ran into a new exporter sometime last year called Slidify:

Would anyone be able to suggest a good starting place for creating a possible backend exporter for this? RStudio allows this pretty easily, but I really like my prose/code in Orgmode format and working within Emacs. Plus, it allows the obvious benefit of exporting to Beamer or Slidify at will (perhaps with some tweaks).

I planned to look at the existing non-Beamer libraries for reference, but thought it wouldn't hurt to inquire about potential pitfalls based in how Slidify works:
- initializes a git repo with some css/other folders
- creates an index.Rmd file (markdown, which one edits to create presentation)
- spits out an index.html file when you run `slidify("index.Rmd")`

I think the folders in the presentation directory could be initialized and then Org syntax could be converted to R markdown, followed by running the slidify command to compile, but am not sure.

I'm coming from ~zero elisp experience but think this would be a neat hobby project if I could pull it off.

Thanks for any input,

Ahmadou H. DICKO
statistician economist (Ingénieur Statisticien Économiste)
PhD candidate in Climate change economics
Faculty of economics and managment - Cheikh Anta Diop University
West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adaptated Land Use (WASCAL)
Center for Development Research (ZEF) - University of Bonn
email : ahmadou.dicko@ucad.edu.sn
twitter : @dickoah
github : github/dickoa
tel : +221 33 827 55 16
portable: +221 77 123 81 69