On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Bastien <bzg@altern.org> wrote:
Jacobo de Vera <devel@jacobodevera.com> writes:

> I just tested the fix, but what seems to be happening now is that C-c
> ' will jump to formula editing in all cases, when a table.el table is
> directly on the org buffer, when it is within an example block and
> when it is within a source block. I understood the fix would do the
> opposite, i.e., have C-c ' edit the table itself in all these three
> cases. Did I misunderstand or this still a bug?

Indeed, this is now fixed.  Thanks!


Hi Bastien,

I just tested the second fix. It works as I was expecting it to work at first, but only if the cursor is in one of the horizontal lines of a table.el table when pressing C-c '. I can work with this just fine, but it seems a bit confusing if one doesn't know, right?

I have also noticed that when coming back from the buffer where the table is isolated (Using C-c ' on this buffer), the table gets indented in the org file, but only the first time, then it stays there even when edited. Is this expected?

Thanks for looking into this.

Jacobo de Vera