Hello, I am trying to use babel and I don't manage : #+begin_src perl print "toto\n"; #+end_src When I do C-c C-o : No org-babel-execute function for perl! In my .emacs : (setq org-src-lang-modes (quote (("ocaml" . tuareg) ("elisp" . emacs-lisp) ("ditaa" . artist) ("asymptote" . asy) ("dot" . fundamental) ("sqlite" . sql) ("calc" . fundamental) ("C" . c) ("cpp" . c++) ("screen" . shell-script) ("perl" . perl)))) M-x org-version : Org-mode version 7.9.2 (7.9.2-dist @ /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/) I am sorry, I am sure, I have not done it well, but if you can't help me ! -- flav