Ok so i made some progress here. i think i can just use the org capture itself to suit my needs. but as i dont know elisp i got stuck with this:

  (setq org-capture-templates
        (quote (           
("f" "food" entry (file+headline "/home/zeltak/org/files/agenda/food.org" "Inbox")
 "* Cook %? %^g 

** HEADER 3 " )

when i add the subheaders ** HEADER 2 and ** HEADER 3 i can eval the section anymore.

Do i need to escape the * somehow? i just want 2 same level subheadrs below the main capture header/
whats the best way to do this?



On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 9:57 PM, Xebar Saram <zeltakc@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all

I was wondering since i have zero lisp (or coding at all) skills if anyone could show me an example on how to expand yasnippet or text as part of a org capture

i think that using %(sexp) would work (im guessing here :))

i have this capture 

("f" "food" entry (file+headline "/home/zeltak/org/files/agenda/food.org" "Inbox")
"* COOK %?  %^g " :kill-buffer )

i want that after the COOK headline it will expand a snippet or if not possible add a property drawer.

also related can org ask me to fill in specific properties in a property drawer as part of the capture?
