Hi- I've implemented "dynamic links" which are like plain links but for arbitrary regular expressions. I was wondering if there was a better way to do this? You can see the implementation here: https://github.com/sri/dotfiles/commit/cd3429ce0c8e637c803835299c2ed4653d19a5fb (This works with Org-mode version: 8.3.4 - 8.3.4-88-g792bb9-elpa.) With this config: (add-to-list 'my-org-dynamic-links-matcher '("\\([[:alpha:]]\\{2,5\\}-[[:digit:]]+\\)" "https://some-ticketing-system.org/%s")) a string like `TEST-122' is turned into a link, as you type it in. And when you click on that link, it'll visit this URL: https://some-ticketing-system.org/TEST-122 There are some things that gave me problems: - I can't hit and have it follow the link. For this, it seems like I would need to advice the `org-return' function. - Despite the fact that the `TEST-123' has a `htmlize-link' text property, it errors out with "No link found". To fix that, I needed to add a hook to `org-open-at-point-functions'. - I had to copy a bunch of code from `org-activate-plain-links' to get this to work. Thanks, -Sriram