> Jean Louis : >> Eduardo Ochs [2023-04-16 01:45]: >> do you have a page in https://gnu.support/ explaining in detail how >> you teach Emacs to beginners? It would be nice to have something like >> that... > >I just tell them to do Emacs Tutorial. There is no need for page when >it is built-in. > >I tell them, open Emacs and do the tutorial, then let me know. Later >we do not talk much, we just do the work. In addition to that, I have also collected a set of slides with suggestions and quick answers to some of the configuration hurdles. That helps a lot (they say) In addition, I have an article on org-mode. I submitted to the (wrong) journal and never got published on paper ,-( That was a couple of years ago and I have continued to update it for my personal reference. When people have specific interest in org-mode I pass the lastest version in PDF and org for them to play around. The teaser for this is any of my lecture handouts. Best, /PA -- Fragen sind nicht da, um beantwortet zu werden, Fragen sind da um gestellt zu werden Georg Kreisler Headaches with a Juju log: unit-basic-16: 09:17:36 WARNING juju.worker.uniter.operation we should run a leader-deposed hook here, but we can't yet