
Until today, I had been running org-mode version 8.2.10 in GNU Emacs 24.3.1 on Windows 7 Ultimate (Service Pack 1). In an attempt to work around a problem with this version of org-mode, I updated org-mode to the latest daily snapshot (version 8.3beta). This fixed my previous problem but introduced another.

When I attempt to export to HTML, the process gets stuck in a loop scanning for IDs. The entry in the *Message* buffer reads "680 unique files scanned for IDs [2 times]" where the number of times varies with how long I let it run before pressing C-g.

This happens consistently with one file that I successfully exported last Friday under 8.2.10 but does not happen at all with some other files. So far, I have been unable to isolate exactly what it is about this file that causes the export to get stuck in this loop. I can do the legwork to track it down if someone more knowledgeable about the exporter can point me in the right direction. It seems obvious that it has something to do with IDs, but the files that still export properly contain IDs, too, so the issue isn't as simple as the existence of IDs in the file.

Here are the last few lines in the *Messages* buffer, in case they might be helpful:

org-babel-exp process R at line 5400...
executing R code block...
Code block evaluation complete.
org-babel-exp process html at line 7062...
680 unique files scanned for IDs [2 times]
