For me, the main issue with this route is that I don't understand LaTex at all, and it seems like there's a bit of a steep learning curve to get to a working set up.  Maybe someone can recommend a good guide for starting out in LaTex?  It does seem like somehting one should learn, I suppose. 

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 7:01 AM, Vikas Rawal <> wrote:
> My question: does anyone yet have a workflow that lets them export directly to HTML or ODT?

In my experience, exporting from Org to LateX, and then using pandoc to convert to odt works better than converting directly from Org to odt. This is particularly the case if you are using citations. Of course, I use Bibtex but you may want to see Zotero support in Pandoc.
