Hi again everyone, I would like to be able to customize the behaviour of org-cycle/TAB in two scenarios, and am wondering if it's possible to do this using existing tools, or if I have to write my own versions of org-cycle, etc., in order to get what I want. (1) In my normal day-to-day use I often want an extra level of cycling: instead of FOLDED --> CHILDREN --> SUBTREE-->FOLDED I'd rather have FOLDED--> CHILDREN --> ALL DESCENDANTS--> SUBTREE-->FOLDED (2) For my rather pathetic "org-writers-room" mode (https://github.com/titaniumbones/org-writers-room), I have a minor mode for the left-hand "guide" buffer (see attached screenshot). Essentially, it's a table of contents that you can look at while you're working on a particular section of your document, which is displayed in the 'main' window in the center of the frame, while metadata from the properties drawer is displayed in third window on the right (see attached screenshot if it's not stripped away). In the guide buffer, I would like to make all non-headline content permanently invisible. So org-cycle should cycle: FOLDED-->CHILDREN-->FOLDED (or FOLDED-->CHILDREN-->ALL DESCENDANTS-->FOLDED if possible) and org-cycle-global should cycle: OVERVIEW-->CONTENTS-->OVERVIEW If there is a way to do this with relatively high-level existing functions that would be great. Otherwise, it seems I will have to provide modified versions of org-cycle, org-cycle-internal-local, org-cycle-global, and org-cyclel-interna-globall, and bind TAB and S-TAB to them in the minor mode. I hope I don't have to do that since I find those functions, in org.el, somewhat difficult to follow. Thank you everyone! Matt