I would like to be able to insert into an org-buffer the text extracted from a pdf file. PDF-Tools (https://github.com/politza/pdf-tools/) provides some excellent tools for doing this.  I've written (well, msotly stolen) a defun that finds all my highlights and returns them in the form of an org heading:

(defun pdf-annot-export-as-org-heading (pdfpath)
  "Acquire highlight annotations as text, and insert into existing buffer as org heading"
  (let ((outputstring "")
      (find-file pdfpath)
      (let (
            (annots (sort (pdf-annot-getannots nil (list 'highlight)  nil) 'pdf-annot-compare-annotations))
            (filename (format "%s.org"
        (linktext (concat "[[file://" (buffer-file-name)
                          "][" (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-name)) "]]" )))
      (setq outputstring (concat "** " (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-name)) "\n\n"))
      ;; (insert (concat "#+TITLE: Notes for " (file-name-sans-extension filename)))
      ;; (org-insert-heading-respect-content)
      ;; (insert (file-name-sans-extension filename))
       (lambda (annot) ;; traverse all annotations
         (message "%s" annot)
         (let ((page (assoc-default 'page annot))
               (text (assoc-default 'subject annot))
           ;;(insert (concat "\n" text " (" linktext ", " (number-to-string page) ")\n"))
           (setq outputstring (concat outputstring text " (" linktext ", " (number-to-string page) ")\n\n"))
    ;;(write-file filename t)


I'm sure it is very clumsy, but it sort of works.  I would like to be able to call this function from a source block:

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(pdf-annot-export-as-org-heading "/home/matt/HackingHistory/readings/latour-pandoras-hope.pdf")
(pdf-annot-export-as-org-heading "/home/matt/HackingHistory/readings/historical-authority-hampton.pdf")

The results are close to, but not precisely, what I want:

** historical-authority-hampton

 ([[file:///home/matt/HackingHistory/readings/historical-authority-hampton.pdf][historical-authority-hampton]], 1)

In the Tudor palace at Hampton Court, there is a....

(a) I only get the last command, because I guess :results value only reports the final returned value. But :results output gets me nothing.  What should I be doing?
(b) the whole output is wrapped in an example block, which I don't want.  Can I do something to fix this?
also, (c): I'd rather set the level of the org heading based on context. Can I do that when I call from a source block? Should I maybe be doing this some other way (e.g., jsut write an interactive function and call it with M-x? But I like being able to assemble all the readings at one go, if possible. 

Thanks as always,