On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 5:06 AM, Rasmus <rasmus@gmx.us> wrote:
Hi all,

>> It might be worth investigating whether you can just run Klipse on <pre>
>> blocks as that would potentially make it backward compatible.
>> Potentially, an extension to Klipse that recognizes Org src blocks (in
>> html) might be nice.
> I think that should be pretty straighforward.

Yeah, the link in Bastien's twitter post shows there's already a setting
for it

    <script type="text/javascript">window.klipse_settings = {selector: '.src-clojure'};</script>

I don’t know if much more support is needed.  We add some automatic
configuration scripting or add a per-block switch for enabling klipse.

Two more little things. HTML blocks can't use the standard editor so they need an extra attribute `data-editor-style="html"`

Also, Klipse supports including comma-separated external scripts to the execution environment with the `data-external-libs` attribute

I have been using
#+ATTR_HTML :code_attribs data-external-libs="http://jquery.org/jquery.js,./lib/01.js".  I'm doing it in tandem with the :tangle header, exporting previous code snippets and adding them to the execution environment as I go (just for fun).  I don't know if there's a better way to do this, potentially maybe trying to partially co-ordinate the execution environments for klipse and org so that executing code in org and in the html export gives similar results.  Seems a little ambitious. 

Also, it would be nice if klipse had an elisp REPL since so many org users blog about elisp. 

>> The Klipse license is GPL3.
> Is org GPL2 or GPL3? Are there any compatibility issues between the two?

No, it was meant as a compliment of a sort.
