On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 11:55 AM, John Kitchin <jkitchin@andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:

David Talmage writes:

> On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Eric S Fraga <e.fraga@ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
>> On Friday,  9 Dec 2016 at 15:29, John Kitchin wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I have an idea for how I could transclude "copies" or links to
>> [...]
>> > Any thoughts? Do you see any potential issues?
>> Potentially very interesting and useful idea.  Some thoughts/issues:
> I'm interested in this, too.  In my lab notebook org file, I have a section
> that should be put into its own file and either linked or transcluded in
> several places.  Transclusion would be better because I could see the text
> without following a link.  It suits my lazy nature. ;-)

It turns out to be pretty easy to see the text; that can be done with a
simple overlay. What is not easy, is to be able to edit the text, or use
the text with org-machinery, e.g. org-map-entries. The text in the
overlay is not visible to the org-machinery, so you can not get
properties, edit it, etc... Editing could be made possible with a
special buffer, but it doesn't seem likely that you can make the overlay
display work with many org-functions.
Have you had an opportunity to work o nthis at all?  For my purposes, even having the transcluded text visible in a buffer + included in an export would be a major improvement over, say, a link.  attempting to edit would, I guess, pop up a special narrowed buffer that edits the original text.  Those 3 features together would cover maybe 90% of what I personally need, so if you have the code for this, I would really love to see it. Thank you!
