On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 12:16 PM, Charles C. Berry <ccberry@ucsd.edu> wrote:
On Mon, 12 Dec 2016, Matt Price wrote:


My questions are:
1. can I pass this html attribute to the <pre><code> block somehow?


ATTR_HTML doesn't seem to work.  Is this a bug? If so, should I try to fix

No and no.

Did you try

: (plist-get (cadr src-block) :attr_html)

in `org-html-src-block' ?

ah, ok.  Now I will reveal some of the depths of my ignorance.  Looks like :attr_html is a plist (right?). 
(a) what is the appropriate way to identify an attribute here.  should I write, e.g.:

#+ATTR_HTML: :data-external-libs "http://underscorejs.org/underscore-min.js" :class "list of classes"
 #+ATTR_HTML: data-external-libs "http://underscorejs.org/underscore-min.js" class "list of classes"
#+ATTR_HTML: "data-external-libs" "http://underscorejs.org/underscore-min.js" "class" "list of classes"

And then, if I want to transform this into:

data-external-libs="http://underscorejs.org/underscore-min.js" class="list of classes"

can I just do something like:
(let ((attributes (org-export-get-attribute :attr_html src-block))
  (cl-loop for (key value) in attributes
    (collect (concat key "=" "\"" value "\" " ))))

or do I need to transform the key into a string first?
I'm sorry to be writing such basic lisp questions; obviously I need to read a really good lisp introduction, but I haven't found one yet. 

If not, is there a simple way to use header arguments to pass
information down?

The answer is still no. ;-)

There are complicated ways. See


for one such. But for what you are doing ATTR_HTML is easiest.

I will take the easiest please!

I am already rewriting the exporter's src-block export
function, so I can try to accomplish what I need to in that context.

BTW, the cleanest way to do this is by writing a derived exporter:

:  (org-export-define-derived-backend 'reveal 'revealplus ...

In your case you only provide the src-block entry for the :translate-alist, :options-alist entries for any you redefine or introduce, and optionally a :menu-entry.

Also, you'll probably want to add a hook to `org-export-before-parsing-hook' (see below).

If you do this, then `#+ATTR_REVEALPLUS:' seems suitable.

right. Up till now I have been hoping to integrate these change sback into ox-reveal, but now it's starting to feel a bit invasive.  I may try this route.  

2. I'd like to be able to test my code directly in org (since I'm a lousy
coder and a clumsy typist). Can I tell org to load other files before
executing a src block?

Yes. Depending on what you want one of these:

* Add this to `org-export-before-parsing-hook', perhaps in setting up a
  derived exporter.

* Or perhaps by using a local variable `eval' see

: (info "(emacs) Specifying File Variables")

* Or by executing a src-block that loads those files.

I think this might be the best route, since I would probably want to load such files on a block-by-block basis.  


very much, I think!