Hi Johnny,

On 24 November 2014 at 08:08, <yggdrasil@gmx.co.uk> wrote:
I use
#+BIBLIOGRAPHY mybibliographyfile plain
which works, but
#+BIBLIOGRAPHY myfirstbibliographyfile mysecondbibliographyfile plain
does not.

Instead of #+BIBLIOGRAPHY I tend to use

#+LATEX: \bibliographystyle{plainnat}
#+LATEX: \bibliography{C:/Users/andreas/Dropbox/_biblio/refs}

were all my bibtex entries are in "refs.bib". I keep everything in the one place and hence need to use the full path.

You can put these where you want the bibliography placed and you can include multiple files in LaTeX' \bibliography{} command.

In your case I imagine it would look something like this.

#+LATEX: \bibliographystyle{plainnat}
#+LATEX: \bibliography{C:/Users/andreas/Dropbox/_biblio/refs}


