Perl Ancar <> writes:
> I tried exporting a document with table that has caption to ODT and it
> failed with this error message:
> OpenDocument export failed: Wrong number of arguments: nil, 0
> Sample document:
> #+CAPTION: some caption
> | row1 |
Trying with the latest release of Org (9.3.6), I exported this without
hitting the above error, so upgrading will likely resolve the issue for
> Any pointer?
If upgrading doesn't work for you (or you'd just like to investigate),
doing "M-x toggle-debug-on-error" and getting a backtrace could be a
good place to start.
Unfortunately after M-x toggle-debug-on-error I'm not getting relevant additional messages in the *Messages* buffer (I read that messages will appear in the *Warnings* buffer, but I see that there is no *Warnings* buffer created):
Debug on Error enabled globally
Debug (ox-odt): Searching for OpenDocument styles files...
Debug (ox-odt): Trying /usr/share/emacs/25.2/etc/styles/... [2 times]
Debug (ox-odt): Trying /usr/share/emacs/25.2/lisp/org/etc/styles/...
Debug (ox-odt): Trying /usr/share/emacs/25.2/etc/org/...
Debug (ox-odt): Using styles under /usr/share/emacs/25.2/etc/org/
Debug (ox-odt): Searching for OpenDocument schema files...
Debug (ox-odt): Trying /usr/share/emacs/25.2/etc/schema/...
Debug (ox-odt): No OpenDocument schema files installed
LaTeX to MathML converter not available.
Formatting LaTeX using verbatim
OpenDocument export failed: Wrong number of arguments: nil, 0
You can run the command ‘org-odt-export-to-odt’ with M-x -od-t RET
However, when trying to upgrade org, I try exporting under "emacs -q" and this error does not happen. So I'll need to comb through my years-old ~/.emacs to try to figure out what causes this error.