No explicit way to add blank lines to the beginning or end of example or source blocks. For example: describing HTTP header: ------------------------------------------------------------------- HTTP header consists of colon-separated name-value pairs, and terminated by a CRLF character sequence, e.g.: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: #+END_EXAMPLE This is line break at the end of HTTP header. ------------------------------------------------------------------- But the blank line at end of example block is not exported, and neither in src block, I check the source, and found it maybe because of the function `org-split-string', its description as follow: (defun org-split-string (string &optional separators) "Splits STRING into substrings at SEPARATORS. No empty strings are returned if there are matches at the beginning and end of string." ...) It means `org-split-string' will ignore all blank lines at the beginning and the end, but what if I need some blank lines in the beginning or the end?