Okay I foundĀ org-table-get (line column), which is already very helpful.

On Wed, Oct 5, 2022 at 6:17 AM Felix Dorner <felix.dorner@gmail.com> wrote:
When point is in a table, I can run (org-element-at-point) and get a table-row:

table-row (:type standard :begin 4932 :end 5151 :contents-begin 4933 :contents-end 5150 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 4932 :parent (table (:begin 4546 :end 6818 :type org :tblfm nil :contents-begin 4562 :contents-end 6816 :value nil :post-blank 2 :post-affiliated 4562 :name secrets :parent nil))))

Is there a helper or another way so that I can get the elements of that row as a list or do I have to extract the fields manually by walking over text?


Linux. The choice of a GNU generation.