I want babel can generate a figure image which path is relative to current directory instead of full path.

Here is the org-mode buffer example which use `:dir "data/images"` as default directory for executing code:

#+BEGIN_SRC gnuplot :session none :results graphics :dir "data/images" :file "org-babel-plot-test.png"
set term png
set output 'org-babel-plot-test.png'

set grid

plot sin(x)


And here is another example which use current directory for save figure image:

#+BEGIN_SRC gnuplot :session none :results graphics :file "org-babel-plot-test.png"
set term png
set output 'org-babel-plot-test.png'

set grid

plot sin(x)


What I want:
- result figure image can display as inline image.
- result figure image also can work in remote server. (like the first example, `ox-publish` exported HTML link is local resource link like `file:///home/USER/....png`)

Is there a way to change babel generate figure image result path to be like option `org-link-file-path-type` can set to `adaptive`.

- I think org-mode should improve on this.
- If somebody can provide an adivce, that is good too for a solution to use for now.

[stardiviner]           <Hack this world!>      GPG key ID: 47C32433
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